Motion Countdown [review]
I have no doubt it will increase clicks in your emailsNEG:
No support or tutorials in the pluginToday Im taking a look at a new WordPress plugin called Motion Countdown. So what exactly is this plugin and what does it do? Well its a timer plugin. Now when I first heard about it I was not to interested. There are a ton of timer plugins. However this one does not […]
Today Im taking a look at a new WordPress plugin called Motion Countdown.
So what exactly is this plugin and what does it do? Well its a timer plugin. Now when I first heard about it I was not to interested. There are a ton of timer plugins. However this one does not just let you put a timer on your web site. It lets you put a timer inside of your email campaigns!
So why is this important and why should you be interested in this. Simple.Countdowns and scarcity increase conversions. Period.
A lot of emails have scarcity in them. Price going up in XXX, bonus offer expires in XXX, this offer ends in XXX. Smart marketers put scarcity in their emails because they know scarcity works. But until now you could only ever write about the scarcity. By being able to actually show the reader the scarcity with a countdown timer you are really driving it home. There is something psychological for the reader about actually seeing a timer as opposed to just reading text that says an offer will expire soon. This is actually the reason why just about every sales page has scarcity on it and a countdown timer. It just works.
When I did my first test and sent a timer in an email to myself I was about 90% sure that this would just make animated GIF’s that repeats the same few seconds over and over in a loop. However I was totally surprised to see that this was not the case at all. This is an actual timer that shows the correct countdown time.
I was a little disappointed to see that the plugin has no build in tutorials or way to get support. However this was very easy to use. I had no problems with it even with the lack of in plugin training. Still I would have liked to see it included.
So how can you used this? Well first off if your an affiliate marketer who is adding a bonus, you can add scarcity to your bonus. You can tell people that your bonus offer is for 48 hours only, and then have a timer right above your affiliate link. Often product vendors will put scarcity in there sales pages, where the price raises after the first day or so. Or sometimes they will have an early bird special price. You can put a timer matching that right inside your email letting people know if they dont act now they might miss out. If your marketing one of your own products these tactics will also work.
The sales page for this product might actually be one of the worst I have ever seen. Its very confusing and jumbled. Fortunately however the actual product is much better than the sales copy. I honestly think this plugin is a great tool for anyone interested in any kind of email marketing. Its a great concept and I have no doubt at all that this will increase your clicks in your mail campaigns. If your doing any kind of email affiliate marketing or selling your own products this is a great investment. Don’t let the poor sales page turn you off. This one is a winner guys.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Brett, I really like this product theory, and have purchased it, however I am a bit concerned as three emails I have received today advertising the plugin through an email, failed to show the timer correctly. Where the timer should have been, it was blank. I have not had any problems seeing any graphics in my emails previously.
Hope this is not a permanent occurrence.
This is most likely your email client blocking out the graphic. Keep in mind its not the email or the plugin that failed to show the timer. Its your email client that failed to show the timer, in fact its not really even that it ‘failed’ its that it ‘chose’ not to show it. That’s going to happen with a percentage of people and honestly there is no way around it since in the end the email client must show the email correctly. Personally I dont think mail clients / browsers / etc should be deciding what we do and do not see, but the people who make them dont care what I think.
Honestly this does not concern me to much. If you send out 100 emails and say 5-10 dont see the timer, no big deal, that’s no different than if you did not have the plugin so nothing changed, only now there are 90 or so people who did see it.
I am using Outlook, are you saying anyone using Outlook will not be able to see my countdown timers?
I have tried to figure out if there is a way for me to allow access of this type, but I am not that versed with the intricacies of Outlook. Does this mean that as default Outlook shuts these types of images off?
No I dont believe it will be anyone using Outlook, because Outlook has settings etc that can be changed from one user to another. For example even in my own Yahoo account, if I set it to filter out HTML emails or block images then these of course dont show.
I also use Outlook, and I can see the timer just fine. If I’m not mistaken, there’s a setting to enable images.
Hi Brett,
Each graphic already contains the words Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds in english, is there a way to have these terms in our own language (french in my case) ?
Im sorry to say that I did not see any way to change the words.
Is there any way to contact the developer ?
Im not sure anyone has actually asked me this before. If you mean for customer support then yes, JVZoo requires all product being sold have at least a support email. If you mean to ask him a presale question about changing the wording I have already sent him a Skype message asking him that for you. 🙂 Just waiting on a response (he not online right now time zone difference)
Yes it was about sending him a personal message about my question. So thanks very much for asking him. BTW, I’ve seen there’s a template design section, maybe can we customize some things in there.
Oh speak of the devil he just answered. He said no at this time there is no way to change the wording.
His Brett. Can you review scarcitypro. It was launched recently too but seems to have more features than motioncountdown.
The only thing that I see different is that ‘add your own images’ and the multiple languages. Im not sure what the add your own images is all about. Also multiple languages is only good for people who dont speak English. It is almost double the cost. Im not sure I see what extra features justify double the cost honestly.