Viddyoze Review

Posted September 29, 2015 by in






Total Score

3.5/ 5

Creator: Joey Xoto
Type: Web Software


Easy to create intro, outro etc video clips


No audio, minor interface bugs

Today I’m doing a review of the new Viddyoze software. If you watched the video above before you started reading (and I hope you did) then you probably know what Viddyoze is for. It is a web based software that allows you to quickly create intro, outro, logo stinger, and transaction videos. Now people are […]

by Brett Rutecky
Full Article

Today I’m doing a review of the new Viddyoze software.

If you watched the video above before you started reading (and I hope you did) then you probably know what Viddyoze is for. It is a web based software that allows you to quickly create intro, outro, logo stinger, and transaction videos.

Now people are going to be calling this a video creation software , or an animation software but the truth is that this is not really what it is. I mean this in the sense that you can’t create a animations from scratch. Why you instead do is edit one of the existing animation templates. The version I tested comes with 61 templates broken into several categories. 1The templates vary on both their quality (some of them are a bit boring in my opinion but that is really just a matter of opinion) and on the level of customization that you can perform on then. Some of the templates allow you to enter custom text, colors, and a logo. Some of them only allow you to edit a log or the text with no color options. All of the templates allow at least some degree of customization.

Using Viddyoze is quite simple and straight forward. You select the template, you want, fill in what ever customization options that particular template offers and then press the build button and your done. It takes about 5-8 minutes for your video to be rendered but you can leave the site and even close your browser while that happens. After the video is rendered you can then download your video on one of several formats (.mp4, 3gp, mov, webm, 3g2). If you dont take into account the rendering time it takes all of about 45 seconds to select a template enter the settings you want and make your video. It really is super fast and easy to use. While I do think some of the templates are a bit boring, most of the templates are quite good, all of them render very well, and with almost no effort you can quickly render professional level clips from the templates.

Now that is the point where just about everyone is going to stop telling you about Viddyoze. However there where a few things that I did not like about it and that I have to point out because I’m 100% honest when I do my reviews.

The first is one of the biggest drawbacks of this software (in my opinion). No sound. The animations have no sound at all. While you can download a separate audio file with your animation the animation itself has no audio in it. Even worse than that you can’t upload any audio and have it applied to your video when it render’s.  Instead you have to download your animation and then edit it in a 3rd party video editor in order to add your audio to it.

If you don’t have a 3rd party video editor (such as Camtasia or AVS Video editor) then your pretty much out of luck. But most people will probably have one. The downside for these people is that it takes a bit of time to edit the animation video and add sound into it. This means that the total time to create your intro, or outro or whatever with Viddyoze is not just the time it takes to make the animation with the software, its also the time you have to spend editing the animation to add an audio track.

Since speed is one of the major perks of using a product like this I think that not having the ability to add an audio track prior to your animation being rendered is a big drawback and I was quite vocal about this to the product vendors. They indicated that in the future they will be adding the ability to upload audio to the system for pre render inclusion. However I don’t review things that did not happen yet. I review the product the way it stands and as it stands now this very important feature does not exist.

Besides this there where some minor GUI issues. For example when making a new video the last step is the confirmation screen which looks like this:


At this point you are suppose to confirm all of your video options / settings before you send your video to be rendered. But something very important is mission. There breadcrumbs are not clickable and there is no ‘go back’ button. Because of this the only way to go back and change the video settings is to click the back button on your browser. Sure not the end of the world, but kind of generic and lazy given that it would take about 20 seconds to add a button into the interface.

Another thing can be seen in the graphic below:


In this video template I am asked to enter a ‘title’, a ‘subtitle’ and an ‘action text’. Great. Only the template does not use all of these options. Only the title option is used in this particular video. So why does it ask me for settings that are not even needed? The truth. Poor interface design.

These are just two examples, I found a few other  quirks like this. I call them quirks because they are not really bugs. I must have made 50+ test videos with Viddyoze and the software works well, it just has a few things about the interface that could be improved on in my opinion. Nothing horrible, just some little things that could be polished up a bit. Overall Viddyoze works quite well is super easy to use and quit fast. There are a lot of templates and while some of them did not particularly suite my taste I really liked some of the other ones.

But who exactly do I think could benefit from this software? Well most people are going to tell you everyone can, because cool intros / outros etc can make your videos look much more professional. While that is true you have to ask yourself one question and answer honestly. How many of these kinds of intros / outros etc. am I really going to need?

The reason you have to ask yourself that is because you need to know if this is a worth while investment from a financial perspective. Anyone can get cool intros for their videos for $5 from Fiverr. Also there are other online video creation services that let you pay on a ‘per video’ basis (no Im not linking to them, sorry)  Viddyoze costs $47. What this means is that you have to make at least 10 videos (that you actually need) with this software to make it a worth while investment. Less than that and your better off just buying them one at a time from Fiverr or using a per video pay service. However if your going to make a lot of different animations either for yourself or for your clients than Viddyoze is a smart choice and a solid investment.








UPDATE: I just spoke to David Chamberlain (Joeys partner). The FE version of Viddyoze has 30 templates, you need to get the OTO to have the additional templates that I had when I tested. The OTO is a ‘monthly template club’ which is a monthly fee of $37 and gets you the additional templates and extra templates each month (this will be good for people making these for clients). If you don’t want to pay monthly for the ‘club membership’ there is a down sell from that offer that gets you just the extra templates for a one time fee.



 A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.

About the Author

Brett Rutecky

Brett Rutecky is a full time online marketer, web developer, and entrepreneur. He has developed scores of Facebook apps, dozens of custom web sites and hundreds of scripts.



    Hi Brett

    Do you know how much for the basic package?

    Thanks Tom

    Tom McCarthy

    Hi Brett

    Do you know how much for the basic package and just templates oto?

    Thanks Tom


    ” I’m 100% honest when I do my reviews.” and that is why I don’t buy a product unless I make sure I read your review first! Thank you for that Brett.
    I could be wrong but I was under the impression that audio was to be added to the rendering, templates were prepared and I think you can use your own audio too, again I could be wrong, but this seems to me what I understood from the interview with one of the creators, so in way I want to make sure about that important point.


      No as I said in the review you can not add the audio with this software. You must download the animation and then add the audio with a 3rd party software.


        It seems fair enough to me that there would be no audio. This software is primarily for producing animated intros and outros; and so the outputs would be added to a video timeline which would have its own audio.

    Fabian G

    Looks good but I don’t see the actual logo being animated, maybe in the first clip but the rest is animation around a logo that just fades in or out. I don’t think that would be considered as real animation maybe faux animation. Is that a fair assumption Brett or is there more.

    Thanks for the review.
    Fabian G


    Hey Brett,

    I love you music integrated with this software.

    Your music is very Smart 🙂


    Steve Harrison

    Thanks Brett for a clear and informative review. My inbox is filling up already with this next shiny offering. I’m finding more and more that the bonuses available for new products are more attention grabbing than the sale item!


    Thanks for the great review Brett.



    Thank you again. You save me tons of time every week.

    On an unrelated note, you had previously mentioned the video editing tool you use, was it AVS Video Editor?


    Ben Yost

    Excellent review! I really appreciate it! With out the sound, I’ll wait for the next one to come out in a day or two for another one to come out:-)

    Maggie G

    I purchased this program this morning and my experience was not so pleasant. I created a logo that took over 30 minutes to render and 15 minutes to download as a .mov. I tried to download the .mp4 but it wouldn’t allow this.

    I have a very high speed computer so this was not contributing factor.

    I tried the logo creator again using the “smoke logo” and this time after the “baking time” it came back saying that the file was created BUT there was nothing to download… it appears it actually did not render.

    I tried again and created an intro that took over 20 minutes to render and also 15 minutes to download. Not sure what the slow mows was about but this really didn’t work for me.

    The last part of the disappointment for me was that I had to pay another $37 to a get more templates which in the sales pitch, looked like we were get them.

    Overall experience: Not good


      A .mov file is quite large, its the nature of the file type, ,mp4’s are much smaller. As for your computer being fast, that has nothing to do with the download speed. Ok well it does, but its not the only thing, your internet connection is the main thing. These flies are hosted on Amazon so your connection is going to be the bottle neck.

      I expect rendering time will be a little slower than normal right now since they just launched, have over 1000 people buying and using this in the last 2 hours, so they are having unusual server load right now. Many products sales pages crash under this kind of load. Its a testament to them that they are not only not crashing, but are staying function (granted slower than normal)

      I pointed out the need to pay more to get the additional templates in my review. I assume that you did not read my review before you purchased. Im always totally honest in them, its normally a good idea to check if I did a review before purchasing as I am not afraid to tell both the good and the bad.

        Maggie G

        I loved your review which I always do and they are usually my guiding light….just saying, for me personally my experience so far has been a little underwhelming. I’m going to keep trying with the other modes and am still hoping for greater success. I’m sure this won’t happen for most people, I just wanted to share. Like I said…your reviews for me have been really quite spot on.



    If I understand correctly, the basic premise of the software is to make animated intros and outros that you then have to add to a video in another software. As well, we will only be able to use the templates they provide us with. I see that there is an OTO to join a monthly service, which is the only way you will be able to get new templates.

    Not being able to add sound, with a promise that it will be added, sounds like me that they just wanted to rush the product to market and will worry about the complaints after the sale.

    It also appears to me that you will always be stuck using only the templates they provide. If you don’t purchase the monthly subscription, the current templates will grow stale very quickly.

    If there is a value to this software, it is for someone that will be selling videos to local businesses and can be value added by also providing an animated intro and outro for the customer. In this case there would not be template fatigue, because you are selling to a customer and not using it yourself. If you are not selling to clients, your Fiverr analysis makes a lot of sense.

    Although I do like the concept, I think I will be passing on this one since I do not sell to businesses directly.

    Thanks for a great review.


      Yep as I said its really not good for the individual. Though it is not a bad investment for someone selling video services. In their sales video (which they did not show me in advance) they say people pay $80 for an animation and wait weeks for it. That is total BS. Its $5 to get a intro done and it often takes only 24-48 hours. But if your selling video’s to clients than $5 over and over adds up and its worth investing in your own software.


    Hi Brett,

    You have also reviewed Video Motion Pro ( and if we compare it only on the basis of intros / outros don’t you think VMP wins it hands down? As they don’t have monthly package to give a huge number of templates, plus they have audio in built, renders more fast, more number of templates / animation effects (not even taking into consideration other features of VMP).
    What do you think as you have reviewed both? 🙂


    Brett, i enjoy your reviews. I have one question as usual there are personal and commerical licences. if i buy personal licence and make a video intro…and sell it, how does product creator know- if they do! Is it possible to do that? i always wanted to know, as a software creator u probably know. if its a dumb question, pls forgive me. Thx


    Like u, a respected person.


    Thanks for your review Brett.

    I purchased and it is certainly cool software.

    I agree the fact that audio doesn’t render is a huge dawback as rerender takes time and dings quality a bit. It also only seems to render at 720p which is not bad but if you need to use a different format then again you have to rerender.

    Not sure if I will be keeping this if the options are not expanded but well test it out for a while and see if it produces some $ or somehow makes life easy.

    John in Oz

    Hey Brett, thanks for the great review. In fact, I think that was one of the best reviews of any product I’ve seen in a very long time. You answered many of the questions I had in the back of my head. So, I’m not purchasing at this point in time.

    Thanks again!

    Michael Cobb

    I’ve really come to trust your reviews. There are probably only a handful of people I can say that about in the Affiliate world. I won’t be buying this product until they work out the bugs and make it worthy of my hard earned cash.

    I don’t particularly like it when developers push out a product before it’s truly complete so they can begin making money as soon as possible. I know that MVP’s are popular among some developers, but I literally “don’t buy” into that philosophy.

    As always, thank you for providing honest and insightful reviews.



    Bought the product but didn’t receive the login email – sent a support ticket – automated response saying that the platform has basically crashed because too many people are using it at once but not addressing my issue of not getting a log in email.

    Another 24 hours grace before I send in a PayPal dispute!

    Sorry but I HATE lousy support! Time zones and all, its been almost 36 hours!

    Be warned – support sucks!


      If you dont get an answer soon, before you file a dispute, let me know I will reach out to the vendors for you. FYI: I just logged into my account, the system seems to be working fine.


        Thanks – will wait overnight for me (another day in the US) – and thanks for the offer to reach out – I was looking forward to using the platform to make a couple of intros and outros for some videos I’m working on and wanted to finish them this week…..keen to get started, frustrated I can’t get in!


    Thanks for the honest review.


    Brett: I bought this to be sure I was in time before the promo ended. I was able to login and use the software, but now when i try to login I only see a big graphic of a sign saying viddyoze is now closed. Can you reach Joey?

    Jenelle Livet

    Yep support sure did suck it took me 3 days to get my logins and now I have just found out that there is no sound attached to the video. So much for being a snappy video creator. I had signed up to the template club but thinking this may not be worth my while,
    Thanks as usual for your review Brett


      I said in my review (more than once) that there is no sound in the videos you make with this. I suggest you always check if I did a review before you purchase. I think you will find that I’m one of the only people that is not afraid to say how it really is, pointing out both the good and the bad in the products I review.

    Dan Harrison

    Hi Brett – i read your reviews all the time and actually purchased Viddyoze last week. However I am having the same problem as the previous posters. They took my money via PayPal and never sent me a login link, so I have no user name and password for my account. Have sent them support emails a few times – no response. Went to their home page, it says “Closed” like the previous poster mentioned. When I try the “Re-send Password” feature, it never re-sends the link. When I go to the link you recommended (, I get the same thing. I put in my email and request new password, and get nothing. Horrible customer service on their part, and I am sensing this whole thing is a scam. You should alert your readers about this possible scam. I am going to give them 1 more day to respond, then I’ll have to do a Paypal complaint against them. It’s a shame, cause it looked like a great tool that they invented, and we would love to use it. Cheers! Dan

    Dan Harrison

    Update on Viddyoze Problems – To be fair, I just got this email from them (see below) so I guess we should all just wait a few more days till they get their act together, and their system working properly…


    Hi ,

    Thank you for your email.

    Right now, we’re experiencing massive and unusual activity on the platform, which we expect to pass over the next 8 – 12 hours.

    We want to explain this to you, and also offer you something in return for your patience in this matter.

    Basically, behind Viddyoze are hundreds of servers, and they pull the individual frames from each animation and render them into a video.

    They are online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    However, as we’ve just gone live today – we have thousands of people queuing multiple templates all at once. This usage isn’t natural, and we’ve already processed now 5,000+ animations in a matter of hours…

    Because of the high level of usage on the Viddyoze platform we are experiencing some stability issues that we are currently working on with our development team.

    We’re working hard to fix the issues as soon as possible so you can enjoy your Viddyoze access.

    Once again – we would like to apologise.

    Here at Viddyoze, this is just the start.

    We’ll be here to help you create animations for years to come.

    As a thank you for your patience in this matter, we have just got our animator started on 3 brand new templates which will be added to both personal AND commercial accounts over the coming week.

    (We’ll let you know when they are in…)

    Rest assured, we’re working hard to speed things up, and normal service will be resumed in the next 8 – 12 hours.


    The Viddyoze Team


      You need to be very careful before you start saying the word ‘scam’ about someone. The internet is written in ink not pencil. These guys will get thousands of new customers in a few days. You have to expect that support will take a little longer, but as you can see they did answer you and are trying to help you. If you walked into a restaurant and saw that the entire place was packed you would expect to have to wait for a table and you would expect that it might take a little longer or the waitress to take your order or the cook to make your food. Its kind of the same thing here.

      Though I can understand the frustration customers sometimes feel I do also think that sometimes they are to quick to us that “S” word.

      I have no doubt that these guys are trust worth or that they will get you taken care of. However if for some reason they dont let me know and I will reach out to the vendor for you.

        Dan Harrison

        Thanks for the reply Brett. I rarely use the “S” word, especially because I have run a few online companies for over 20 years and deal with customer service issues all the time – none of which are the “S” word with our companies. That’s why I so quickly posted their response to me on your forum here, for others to see that they are legit, and evidently just have some growing pains. Like I said in my first post, I read your reviews all the time and totally respect your opinion of a product when you give it a “2 thumbs Up”. I think the thing that the guys at Viddyoze should do right away is to re-word their current home page, which still says ” Viddyoze Has Now Closed.
        Sign Up Below To Hear When We Re-Launch” . There surely are a lot better wording choices than that, if their issues are just of a technical nature – things that they are working on resolving. Saying “Viddyoze Has Now Closed” is kinda scary wording, especially for new customers who just signed up a week ago. Just my 2 cents worth of opinion as a web marketer myself…


    Hi Brett,

    I’ve been using Viddyoze for a few weeks now. I like it more and more. One reason I’m writing again is because last time, I left out a letter in my URL, so… just making sure you have one that works.

    Another is to give a tip to those that bought Viddyoze or are thinking about getting it (after the relaunch, of course)…

    Currently, the audio is a separate download. Personally, I prefer it that way, because I may chose to use a different sound effect or background music. But, one thing I have found that does work – and makes the Viddyoze clip more original… Import both the video clip and audio clip onto your video editor. In my case, it’s Screenflow. Adjust the volume on the original audio clip down to around 30%. Then, on another track, find some royalty free music to add to it. Cut it to the proper length and now you have your own version of a stinger, intro or outro.

    I read that future updates may include the audio in the clip. If that’s the case, you can still extract it and/or adjust the volume. Either way, adding your own music will help make the clip fi your project much better. Some of the sound effects that Viddyoze provides are a little too “industrial” sounding for some types of business. For instance, if you have an animated logo for a plumber or electrical contractor, those buzzing and clanging sounds fit right in at full volume. But suppose you want to use the same animation for say, a yoga instructor or masseuse? Replacing the provided sound with soft music to accompany the stinger will work far better. So, go experiment, have fun, make money!

    Dan Harrison

    Follow-Up on Viddyoze issues – The folks at Viddyoze did get back to me with logon and password instructions, and I was able to login and enjoy their great service for the first time on Saturday. They were just having a few technical issues last week, but all is working perfectly now. I would 100% recommend their product. Very useful tool. :o)


    VIDDYOZE is a total SCAM. We ordered a commercial package and it doesn’t work!! Asked for a refund. They said they refunded the $67.00 but don’t have any idea who they refunded it too. Paid with PAYPAL and they have no record. Opened up a Claim and also contacted the Attorney General’s office and filed a complaint. DO NOT BUY THIS SOFTWARE. A REAL SCAM FOR SURE.


    Also have sent 4 requests along with the proper documentation and have NEVER received a response. Just saw on that they supposedly refunded our account on 10/9/15. HA, no refund on our end. We believe they just put that in the system, otherwise they would have contacted us. Their customer service is terrible and they obviously don’t want to connect with disgruntled customers. I’ll let you know if we EVER get our refund. Hope the Attorney General’s office can do something about it.


      Kathy, I want to clarify a few things since you are a bit confused.

      1) If your going to say in public something ‘does not work’ the responsible thing to do is describe your issue, otherwise your just spreading unsubstantiated gossip. As for it not working, I just made a video with it today.

      2) They did not put ‘refunded’ in your JVZoo account, they can’t set what shows in there. JVZoo shows the actual status of the payment. With respect your basing your beliefs on assumptions regarding things that you dont understand.

      3) If you filed a PayPal dispute then PayPal would have taken your payment from them and now they cant refund you properly. Your probably not getting a response from them because of the dispute you filed. When customers of mine file a dispute without even asking for help I don’t communicate with them. Why? Because at that point they are no longer customers and because if they wanted help they would have just asked for it instead of going right to a dispute. My guess is they are waiting for the dispute to be over to reopen dialog.

      Honestly it sounds to me like your issues are caused by A) You jumping right to a dispute without even asking for assistance and B) Not understanding how JVzoo / PayPal works.

    Tilak Nissanga

    Hi Brett,

    Thaks for the review which I should have read before I purchased my commerical licence. I had no idea at that time about an existence of a monthly rental of 37$ for 3 templates. It’s a fair sum taking into account the current currency exchange rates in my country of residence.

    I have no complaints apart from that.


    I have purchased Viddyoze as well as their $997 “Business in a box” promotion where the Viddyoze team helped to build a website to sell the animated logos.

    As of this writing, the Viddyoze app seems to hang. I am unable to render any animation at all and I have written to the Viddyoze support.

    I was wondering if they do not fix the issue, would I be able to seek refund for Viddyoze as well as the “Business in a box”?


    A scam. If 2 months after publishing their product, the preview of the animations is now no longer possible – how can I request a fund – I bought the first day.


      So since they removed the animation preview suddenly the entire system is a scam? Really, oh no I can still make videos, which is what the software is suppose to do, but I cant preview animations, so now its a scam, even though it still does what its core functionality is. Sounds like you throw the ‘scam’ word around way to liberally.


      I’m able to see the previews in Firefox but not in IE, so maybe that is your problem. But, I am not able to render at this time, just get an error message. I sent an email to support, so we’ll see if they respond.


    This was a good concept that was executed poorly, this resulted mostly from a lack of understanding of how to charge clients for access to the “cloud” for compiling a set of images into a video (introduction) the video footage they show in the “commercials” promoting this product were created not with the product it self, which was quite deceptive, the product was compiled with a professional video editor, not the product for which they were attempting to sell you or me or anyone else, they tried to sell a commercial version of the software, which was an upgrade, however the problem was there was no such thing… they had no business plan, they had no real intention of providing a viable business structure because they had no case studies, they “talked” about how much money you could make, but that was hype, because it because obvious early on that they had no real experience selling video services to businesses. Over all after all they hype has “Died” down, how many people that are paying monthly fees every month because they do not want to loose access to the “templates” they purchased access to, are making “big” money now? How many of you are really making money selling video introductions, (keep in mind) that the software still says beta, there is no user interface, there is no editor, they use CSS and HTML5, but you can’t upload; your own resources, or create your own templates because they made templates part of the business model instead of focusing on the platform. Over all this is a FAILURE… Poor business plan, poorly executed over hyped up sales campaign which is just like all the other shiny object sales garbage that you see every day online, its the same thing over and over again, I would love to see someone really expose these charlatans for what and who they really are, but the sad part is that most people are more interested in how much money they can make promoting a product than they are in honestly evaluating the business platform, because lets face it people a product is only as good as its platform and the honestly of those that run the business.


    Hi, thanks for yr honest and useful review. Just a question: is it possible to upload a picture inside the intro? I am making movies for a band and ì need to show them few second s in their intro. Gabe


    Good Day Brett,
    Nice review and very helpful. Are you aware of any code or tracking pixels that are embedded in the final versions. I have a designer interested in the software but we are concerned about inadvertently embedding pixels into a client’s site?


    Well balanced review, thanks.

    Tom R

    I’d like a better description of how many templates come with it without the “club” also are they unlimited once in the club?


      Well obviously there cant be unlimited templates as its impossible to make unlimited of anything. To answer your question though as I say in the review: The FE version of Viddyoze has 30 templates

    Steve Mack

    Is there a way to preview what templates come with the FE version? Are they decent templates, or do they purposely throw you 30 junk templates hoping that you’ll “upgrade” for better templates?


      Given that this comes with a refund period, its quite easy to preview them. But it, and if you dont like it, request a refund. Be assured these guys did not spend 7 months and tens of thousands of dollars building this software to cheat you out of $50 or so.


        Hi Brett,
        Come on the templates offered at $67 (lifetime subscription) are completely rubbish/useless… could do 100 times better buying from {link removed} or follow some free tutorials on youtube.
        This is a scam, Joey Xoto, the founder, wrote a book; “how to make $12,000 in 10 days”, this must be the sequel; how to make $400,000 in 30…

        I went straight to the refund button once I logged on and was asked to pay more for the “cool” templates – it was obvious at that point that I had been had… I still haven’t gotten my money back!! don’t be a sucker (like moi)! don’t buy this!

        Viddyoze is just a marketing scam! A beautiful one but a scam nonetheless…


          So your insulting the templates when you obviously did not even look at them because you refunded right away without using the system? You requested a refund because they had the audacity to offer you some more templates. I know the feeling, last year when I bought my car, I paid in cash, but when the dealer asked me if I wanted to upgrade to leather seats I told that bastard FORGET IT I WANT MY MONEY BACK.

          Just a thought, next time actually look at something before you flake out and run away for a stupid reason. You will look less foolish.


    Viddyoze is NOT a scam.

    ** PRICING **
    Is it overpriced? maybe.

    Some people think it’s trash, but it might be other people’s treasure.

    ** 30 DAYS MONEY BACK **
    Some poeple didn’t get their money back, well, did you follow the INSTRUCTION?
    I got my money back by emailing the Viddyoze Support (NOT Paypal)
    Filled out the refund form and got my money back in 3 working days.

    This is a monthly subscription and that keeps Viddyoze business running.
    I didn’t sign up for it, so no comment for this product.


      Customers throw the word ‘scam’ around in this space far to often. Didnt get a support ticket answered fast enough = scam. Dont get any results because you dont actually put in any effort = scam. Dont like the templates provided = scam .. if they applies their criteria for what is a ‘scam’ to things other than IM / Software vendors every company in the world would be a scam.


    Are you aware that if a person stop his template club subscription that they lose ALL the templates acquired during the club. I just discovered that horrible reality when i unsubscribed.

    They make NO mention of that condition on their sales page or anywhere I can find. The explained to me that it was like an autoresponder or hosting account and when you quit you no longer can use it.

    You know that is BOGUS, because I keep my email and earnings I made while using those services and can reuse them over and over. I am a part of many membership clubs, and I always have access to the things I have used and can use them over and over again, but can not take advantage of new ones, of course.

    So, basically, they hold the club member hostage forever, even though who needs hundreds of templates?

    Can you explain to me why this is not a devious practice (I would have no complaint if the policy was clearly stated and was what I knew I was getting into) I think it is dishonest and immoral and deceptitve. Am I wrong? I don’t think you would ever do such a thing.

    Do you know about it but not think it worth mentioning?

    By the way, they refused to refund my last month’s subscription and are forcing me to pay for another month of templates I will not be able to use. Despicable is the only word I can think of.


      Wait if people stop paying for something that is a monthly service they lose the benefits of that service? Thats not bogus, thats common frigging sense. You should have the ability to cancel any time though.

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