AdQuiz [Review]
Can be good for viral marketingNEG:
Some minor bugsToday I’m taking a look at a new cloud based software called “Ad Quiz Video” Honestly with AdQuizVideo you can understand what it is very well simply by ignoring the first and the last word in its name and focusing on the Quiz part because that’s exactly what this is, its a quiz software. The […]
Today I’m taking a look at a new cloud based software called “Ad Quiz Video”

Honestly with AdQuizVideo you can understand what it is very well simply by ignoring the first and the last word in its name and focusing on the Quiz part because that’s exactly what this is, its a quiz software. The Ad part comes from the fact that you can make a Facebook ad post that leads to this (if this sounds scary don’t worry Ill tell you a way to get this in front of people for free in a bit), and the video part comes from the fact that your welcome / start page can have a video on it. But be assured this is a quiz software (you can click here to see a very basic 2 question quiz I made with about 5 minutes of effort).
Using the software is super easy, and it is done in a step by step process.
- The first step is to create your intro page, this has your welcome graphic or video on it and your CTA to get people to start the quiz.
- The second step is to create all of the possible results from your quiz. For example if your quiz was “Are you a cat or a dog person” the possible results might be 1) Your a cat person 2) Your a dog person.. (you can have as many possible results as you like). These results also allow you to have a CTA (call to action) or link (affiliate or own product) on them which you can use for monetzation.
- The third and final step is to create the questions and answers. You can have as many questions you want and each question can have as many answers as you like. Each answer to each question then gets flagged as a + for one of the possible outcomes. For example in the dog / cat quiz you might ask “Does barking drive you nuts?” and if the person answers “Yes” thats a +1 for being a cat person, if they answer “No” that’s a +1 for being a dog person. The result with the most +’s is the one that the end user gets show as the final result of their quiz.
You might have noticed that I gave AdQuizVideo a 2 star rating for concept. This is not because it is a bad concept, its actually a good concept, its just that it is not new in any way. I have personally tested several quiz systems. One thing I noticed though is that people don’t seem to use quizzes the right way, they don’t understand one important thing. Let me explain:
Quizzes can be informative, which is cool and all, but for the best results quizzes should also be fun. We have all seen fun quizzes on Facebook. “Which Game of Thrones character are you?” .. “Whats your spirit animal?” .. “How long will you live?”. People enjoy taking these quizzes because they are entertaining, they like to share them with other people because they often have funny or interesting results. That’s the kind of quiz I would suggest people create for their marketing. Quizzes that entertain people and that have interesting, funny, or ironic results. Sure these kinds of quizzes will take a bit of thought and effort to produce, but they will also get the most viral shares and free traffic.
For example: If your in the pet niche you could make a quiz “If you where a dog what breed would you be?” .. I’m in the MMO (make money online) niche so I could create a quiz “How much money will you earn online next year?” (of course everyone would see a large number in their results, and then a link to a squeeze page giving away a free training if they optin at the end with the words “Get started building your business right now for free” at the end).
AdQuizVideo is going to be a good software for creating viral quizzes that you can use for marketing. The software is easy to use and quite intuitive. When I first tested there where a few bugs which I reported to the vendor. These bugs where fixed. However I will be honest, they where pretty silly bugs and I was a bit annoyed that they got past the vendors own internal testing. Also at the time of this writing there is one last bug that I found, which while minor is still annoying, which I will be reporting to the vendor as soon as I’m done writing this post. You can see it in the graphic below:
In the graphic above, notice that the drop down menu is cut off. I did not cut it off when I took the screenshot. That’s now it is in AdQuizVideo (Im using FireFox). While you can still read the menu mostly, it is cut off by the end of the screen. Its not the end of the world, but it is annoying in that it is a silly thing that should have been caught when they did their internal testing.
Despite this one remaining bug which annoys me (possible more so because I am a experienced developer) I find AdQuizVideo to be a decent software for making viral quizzes for Facebook. I want to be clear that if you want the best results you are going to have to put in a bit of effort to make a decent quiz related to your niche. Preferably one that is funny, entertaining, or informative in some way. However if you do put in that bit of effort it will be worth it. We have all likely seen these kinds of quizzes being shared on Facebook, many of us likely took at least one as well. Its no secret that people enjoy taking them and sharing them, and with the possibility to put call to actions, links, etc on the final results they can also be used for traffic, sales, and list building. When you combine engagement with viral nature and monetization you have a winning formula!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Hi. Where is the sales page? It is redirecting to a webinar registration page.
Your not going to see the sales page until it is for sale, which is not until 11am on 9/16
Ok. Got it from your link. Thank you for the awesome bonus.
I think you have some of the best products on the net right now! Thank you for sharing with all of us and helping so many people.
Kelly Woodcox
Hey Brett I was actually looking for the demo video of your Bouncebaby product and while I didn’t find it listed under the Brett’s Products and knew it wouldn’t be in the Freebies section of your site, I see AdQuiz [Review] listed at the top of the Brett’s Products which I believe was mistakenly categorized being it a review of Mario Brown’s products instead of one you created and all. Just wanted give a kind heads up and feel free to delete or this comment afterwards
Thanks for catching that. Ill take care of it.
Hi brett I have just brought Advisor 3 just recently through your link I logged in but there was jus a blank page!!! I know its nothing to do with you but I was wondering if you Knew what was going on I brought the product through you because of the great bonus you offered – by the way its disapeared from JVZoo as well (I was’nt sure of how to contact you so I went through Here.
I think they where doing an update. If your still having a issue let me know and I will reach out to the vendors for you.