Traffic Elixir [review]
Could be useful for getting trafficNEG:
Over hyped sales copy that is flat out deceptiveSo I was not going to do any more reviews this week. But in my last email I said if anyone wants me to look at something just let me know. Well about twenty or so people asked me to check out Traffic Elixir which is launching tomorrow so I decided to check it out. […]
So I was not going to do any more reviews this week. But in my last email I said if anyone wants me to look at something just let me know. Well about twenty or so people asked me to check out Traffic Elixir which is launching tomorrow so I decided to check it out. While I could not get a review copy on this short of a notice I did learn plenty just from having a look at the presale pages that are already up.
Im sorry but I really didn’t have time to do a fully typed review so I made a video about what I found. Check it out below.
{warning I did get a little worked up when doing this review and used a bit of swear words. Nothing super bad, but I just wanted to warn anyone who might sensitive}
You know what I have a question for this product creator: If this software (as the sales video says), will drive huge amounts of people to any site you want that are ‘ready to pull out their wallet and buy anything you want’, for free. Then why is he even using affiliates? Why would he give an affiliate 50% of the sales price to send him buyer traffic? Why wouldn’t he just use this software to send himself people who are ready to ‘buy buy buy buy buy’ for free and keep the entire sales price? Answer: Because its total nonsense.
**Note: When I do reviews I normally try hard not to get personal and judge the product creator. I normally try to review the product only. However in this one I may have diverted from my normal procedure. However its only because I very strongly oppose this kind of ‘marketing’. Specifically I said that the creator of this product was ‘scummy’ for using a false squeeze page and for using deceptive / outrageous sales copy. This statement was an opinion on my part and not a fact. I normally prefer to stick to facts only in my reviews, however I diverted because I was personally outraged by these practices.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Re affiliate traffic, you’re absolutely right. Thanks so much for pointing this out! This blog and your emails have become the FIRST place I go whenever something new comes out.
Don’t know if you’re really done this week – I hope not! – cuz now I’m wondering about Creative Post Craigslist software from Guillermo Mata and Derby Perez, as their comments seem to be painting a mixed picture. It is here….
….and probably closing sometime between tonight and Friday.
Whatever you decide on that, thanks again from all of us here!
I tried to get a review copy of that C.J. but it was unable to get a hold of the product creators. Also honestly I dont know much about marketing on CraigsList anyway so I might not be the best person to review that in truth.
Guillermo Mata never responded to any of my questions, either via email or in his bogus Facebook Group after I bought his garbage email scraping software. I was so frustrated and disgusted with his behavior that I decided never to buy anything with which he is connected.
Well thats not unexpected from a sellers that have no problems lying to their potential customers. This is why its important to take into account how the seller handles pre-resale and how they choose to promote their product. Its an important indication of the sellers character. I’m sorry that you had to learn this the hard way.
Brett, you are worth your weight in gold. You have saved me hundreds of dollars. Keep up the good work mate.
Thanks once again Brett. You are the man. I have learned to trust your judgment and if there is a product that I wish to buy, I use your aff link to do so.
Brett you’ve done it again, also it seems this guy is coming out with new product every other month promising this same BS, when I see his name on a product I don’t even look at because I know it’s BS.
I have seen few if any people who ever say that a product is not worth buying, and I have purchased way more than I should have as a result of this unbalanced and unopposed approach. I can’t thank you enough for having the decency to really present a review that’s honest and informational.
Thanks a lot for this brilliant bold review!
Keep up the good work, Sir!
Thank you so much for the honest review. You saved me $37 plus the OTOs. You are one of the very few people in this business willing to say the truth about the products instead of promoting every piece of crap that comes their way.
I probably got 15 emails today from different marketers and they were all pushing the sale of this product and offering “bonuses”.
Everyone is after that $6000 first place prize Me Im still trying to figure out what the heck ‘unslapable’ traffic is.
Maybe he was trying to say you won’t get slapped for spamming links all over G+ communities?
Thanks again Brett for another honest review. Like you I waited for my free product, but it
never arrived. I honestly thought maybe it would come in a second email. This guy started out totally wrong from the premise with a flat out lie. And the conclusion will probably be with same with lots of refunds under his belt and rightfully so. These marketers are really getting slimy.
You and a couple of other guys list I’m on are the only emails I read.
Hi Brett,
Just to say thanks for the review, one of many that I’ve read or in this case watched before making a buying decision. I was surprised at this one as I got the link from a couple of “trusted” sources so was surprised at the tactics they used just to get you on the mailing list. Another $40+ saved – Thanks…
Check out this thread on the Warrior Forum: {link removed} From my past experience, any time I see anything with the name Precious behind it I run the other direction. Same with Vas. Sounds like may others have had the same experience.
Oh, one more thing. Precious has been banned from the Warrior Forum:
great site bro