The Simple Profits System
If your totally new, like know nothing, this might provide some over priced valueNEG:
Very basic training that can be had for free, product creator has no IM experienceToday Im taking a look at a new training product called “The Simple Profits System” I was interested in this training because it makes some really big promises. Promises that I know are going to tempt a lot of people looking to finally start making money online to buy this. In fact Ill show you […]
Today Im taking a look at a new training product called “The Simple Profits System”
I was interested in this training because it makes some really big promises. Promises that I know are going to tempt a lot of people looking to finally start making money online to buy this. In fact Ill show you what this claims:
Ok well Ill just get right to the point. The claims that this makes are total nonsense. Here is what “The Simple Profits System” really is.Its extremely basic training that offers no real insight to justify its cost. There is nothing really in depth or that cant be found for free by browsing around the Warrior forum. Basically this product just parrots free info that anyone can get with a little bit of searching.
While most training products have a little bit of elementary info, just to make sure everyone is up to speed, I was actually surprised at how very basic the info this product provided really is. I was further surprised to see that everything is at a very basic level. Also I noticed that this training leaves out some really key things. Things that only someone with experience in this field would know. So I asked Rav how much experience he has in the IM business. His answer made it clear why the training was so basic.
So this guy is releasing a training product and he has only been in this business for 3 months. Further he has not been really making money for the 3 months he has been in this business. He also told me that his list is small and that he has not even made any squeeze pages or anything himself (except for 1 which he stated was very bad). That explains why this training is so basic. Because the guy giving it has no real experience, success, or information of his own. Hes parroting beginner information that can be had for free because that’s his only option.
His inexperience further shows itself when you get to the members area. As with so many others the members area (where you access the videos) is a generic WordPress site. Now we all know how much I dont like those, but we will not pick on that fact. Instead you can see how inexperienced he is by the videos themselves.
You see they are hosted on YouTube. Many of the videos have no controls, which means you cant fast forward or rewind. A large portion of them are set to public. Which means that anyone on YouTube can watch them for free. Some are set to private. Which means no one but him can watch them at all. Its a total shamble in there. To be fair though I should point out that the video quality itself is good (as in the audio and video itself, not the training)
Im starting to see this same trend more and more often. People are releasing ‘training’ when they really have no experience at all. Or they are releasing training that is based on ideas not well tested. They try to make up for a lack of quality content with hyped up copy writing. Its very disturbing because it does nothing for the sellers reputation and in the end it cheats the buyer. No one wins.
While this beginner training might have some value to someone who is totally new to everyone else its just going to be a repeat of things you already know. Even to the total beginner though this training only gives information that is widely available free. This is hardly worth the $27 price tag that Rav put on it. Further I find it ironic that this claims to teach you how to “build a stable income” yet is created by someone who has not yet done so himself.
Honestly buying this would be a total waste of money for about 95% of the people out there, and for the other 5% its going to at best be an overpriced intro training course. Do yourself a favor. Go to a movie instead.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Cheers – what a crappy sounding product !
From the sales page, I was a little interested. The price made me turn away.
Thanks for the review. I wouldn’t have bought it, but now I dont have to wonder.
Thank you Brett for giving it straight – we all appreciate it immensely!
Brett okay – I agree that someone shouldn’t hawk things of which they have no experience with. But, isn’t that what a mentor would tell a new person to do? Wouldn’t they say to put a product out there & then learn from the experience? Even though this information is freely available – that doesn’t mean that it is all packaged up nicely in one place for the newbie. True, he shouldn’t charge more than $7 or $8 bucks for the product.
*I am not associated with this Rav guy in any way. In fact, that’s the first time I’ve heard his name mentioned anywhere. As always, thanks for reviewing & saving us all some time (although I would not have purchased this product anyways).
Any mentor that is telling someone with no IM experience to put out a training product is screwing over the person he is trying to teach and anyone who happens to buy this training product.
Having it all packed up does have ‘some’ small value. I mentioned this in the review. At $7 it might be worth something to the very new person. But thats it.
Hey Brett Love your blog !!Very Helpful.!
Can you suggest a movie ???
Ha! I never have time to watch movies .. Im always sitting in front of a computer!
Hi Brett
Please tell me..I am a bit “title confused” ))
Is “The Simple Profits System” and “Simple Profits” one and the same? Or are they linked in any way?
Honestly I cant say, there are many products out there, there might be one called ‘Simple Profits’ that I have never heard of.