JVZoo Academy Review
The interviews are worth the front end priceNEG:
The front end training is not so greatToday I’m doing a very honest review of a new training called JVZoo Academy So you can probably guess that JVZoo Academy is a training system on using the JVZoo network to make money. I became interested in this training because I have personally made a lot of money on the JVZoo network using […]
Today I’m doing a very honest review of a new training called JVZoo Academy
So you can probably guess that JVZoo Academy is a training system on using the JVZoo network to make money. I became interested in this training because I have personally made a lot of money on the JVZoo network using both of the basic ways to do so (as an affiliate and as a product vendor). Because of this I was personally interested since I know for a fact that there is a lot of money to be made with JVZoo.
Now I can guarantee you that a lot of marketers are going to be promoting the hell out of this launch, so be prepared for that. Also be prepared for all the hype your going to hear about how this is the next must have thing that you just need to buy. In this post I’m going to give a very honest review because the truth is the front end training on JVZoo Academy did not impress me one bit (but Im going to suggest you consider it anyway). Sounds confusing right? Let me explain:
When I first heard about JVZoo Academy it was presented to potential affiliates as the first ever official / JVZoo endorsed training on using the JVZoo platform (it is) and that it had a ton of very detailed, step by step tutorials to walk even a complete newbie through the sometimes confusing process of starting on online business (it did). It also had a price tag of $197, which frankly was fair given the depth and detail of the content, which is presented by one of the top vendors and affiliates on the JVZoo network.
But that’s where things got a little wanky. The $197 price tag was very fair for the quality of training presented however the vendors where afraid that it would not sell well with that much of a front end price. So they opted to make it a two purchase system, with basic content on the front end, and the more in depth content as a upgrade. With this change the new front end price could be reduced to a very affordable $17 from the initial $197.
The problem is that the basic front end content frankly is not so awesome. Above is a screenshot of the training you get with the front end $17 purchase. While it looks like there is a lot there you need to notice that most of the videos are under 3 minutes long. Several of them are under 1 minute long. The videos are done ‘stand up’ style not ‘screen cast’ style and instead talk more about general ideas and concepts instead of presenting detailed ‘action steps’.
While I really liked the initial full training I was frankly disappointed with the new reduced price ‘front end’ training. I personally found myself wishing that they had not lowered the price and instead kept the full training on the initial offer at the full price. While I understood why they wanted a lower initial price I do feel the the initial purchase must have value in its own right. I just did not see much here after the change.
But then I remembered something:
Sam had interviewed me for this product. In my interview he asked me to explain exactly how I built my business, which I did. He also asked me a lot of questions that he felt people just getting started might have so I can be as clear and as detailed as possible in the interview.
So I started looking around for the interview that he and I did in the members area. I found that he actually interviewed a lot of top marketers and not just me. Next I asked him if these interviews where going to be a part of the front open (and was hoping in my heart he would say yes while I waited for him to answer) ..
.. and indeed they are included! Well five of them at least.
For some reason my front end access is showing all the interviews so Im not sure which five are included with the front end purchase but assuming they are going to be the first five on the list these are the ones that people who buy the initial front end level of JVZoo Academy will get:
You get: Bryan Zimmerman (one of the founders and former CEO of JVZoo), Like Maguire (a very successful product vendor who I personally have looked up to), Brett Rutecky (some weird guy who does a lot of work online), Chris Munch (an ‘old school’ IMer who is not nearly as old as I initially thought he would be) and Delilah Taylor (a very talented and successful affiliate manager).
I was almost ready to dismiss JVZoo Academy after they reduced the training for the front end purchase however the interviews made my opinion do a 180 degree turn. While the front end training is very basic the interviews are well worth the purchase price. Being able to peek into the business of 5 top people in this space is pretty awesome and well worth $17. I mean thats what, $3.40 each? Not to bad. Try getting anyone on this list to explain their business to you for $3.40. Not going to happen. But it does here.
But what if you want more than very basic training and interviews? What if you actually want step by step actionable training? Well then you are going to need to get OTO1. The full training that comes with OTO1 is the intial training from before they reduced it in order to lower the price. Its is very well done, very in depth, very step by step and very worth investing in for anyone who is serous about running a real online business. I say for people who are ‘serous’ because it’s not cheap. Its $197 and frankly its worth every penny. The guys must have spent months on it honestly.
So what is my final verdict? Well if it was just the basic training that came with the front end purchase then I would have rejected this product. However the additon of the in depth interviews with 5 top marketers makes the inital offer worth picking up. As I said getting to hear how 5 different people started and run their business is well worth the initial $17 price tag. Because of that I feel comfortable recommending JVZoo Academy. However if you also want very good step by step, actionable training on starting an online business, and if you are really serous about your business, your going to need to pick up the first upgrade as well.
UPDATE: Good news! I screwed up. Sam had a look at my review and while he did agree that the video training I reviewed was pretty basic he also pointed out that I missed the fact that the videos where largely just the summery for the three 40 page+ in depth PDF that everyone gets as well on the FE. It took me a while to read over the PDF (and being totally honest I only read about half of the first one, but I already see the value), but now that I have Im very happy to say that with the PDF guide the front end training for JVZoo Academy is a LOT more valuable than I initially thought it was 🙂
I originally found a lot of value in the interviews, but now with the PDF training that I initially missed I feel even more comfortable saying that JVZoo Academy is something that is well worth investing in.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
I remember when I’ve created my jvzoo seller account.
It was when I bought my very first agency access from you.
your training and instructions were very clear and since that day I’ve never looked back…I can do what I need to do, thanks to you….but I’m sure, there is a lot to learn about this very lucrative platform. The training sounds pretty good..
What is the interview made of?
Will it be old product interview with product vendor or about jvzoo academy products?
As I said in the review, the interviews are people explaining how they started (and run) their online business. People explain their strategy for becoming top marketers (I personally was surprised to learn that so many of us took so many different approaches).
Hi there.
Just wanted to check something.
With this training, can I purchase just the FE now and later make a choice on the OTO, or is the OTO only available once during the purchasing funnel?
Also, do you know what exactly is in the OTO?
I explain the OTO in the review. Its very in depth training.
Thank you.
Can I purchase just the FE now and later make a choice on the OTO, or is the OTO only available once during the purchasing funnel?
You have to be careful doing that if you want my bonus because a different affiliate cookie might over ride mine.
Thanks Brett.
I have purchased the FE through your link.
I would like to buy the OTO through your link in order to get your bonus too. Is there any way of making certain I use your link (the oto link) after I clear my cookies?
Im not sure how to do that after you clear your cookies, (or why you would clear them in between buying the FE and the OTO). But on the checkout page, near the bottom, you will see the ID # of the affiliate who will get credit for the sale. My ID # is 41241
So i deduce from the review that the Front End (FE) product is 17$ and that the rest and main part or the course is a unique OTO that will have a price tag of about 197-17 = 180$ or so.
Am I right or are there more OTOs, not juste one ?
and/or is the OTO price lower than what I expect here?
The OTO price is $197 and yes there are other OTO’s (though I did not review them).
May I make a suggestion please. Get your review out right on time of launch. I would have bought through you for your bonus alone. However I bought front end and OTO1 which is a lot of money from your mate Mike From Turkey. He gets the commission instead of you. I prefer your reviews and bonuses.
Any way have a good day
Reviews are posted to my Facebook group right away, you should join my group, also there is nothing stopping you from popping over to this site just before you buy to see if I did a review, while the emails are a little late normally the posts are up well in advance .. also I appreciate the kind words about enjoying my reviews / bonuses.
Wow, Brett! I watched your review before buying Academy and I have to disagree with you … I think your interview is worth the $17 front end price all by itself. I really appreciate your candor. I’m certainly looking forward to the other four reviews included in the “strategy” segment, but your final words about creating a list and doing it every day is the kind of rubber-meets-the-road practical advice that we newbies need. FYI, I bought the FE and the first OTO as a monthly because I couldn’t afford the one time deal.
P.S. I’m glad you’ve revised your review because there is a ton of training on the FE. The jury is still out, but this might be the best $17 offer that’s ever appeared on JVZoo. Thanks!
You disagree with me because you feel the interviews are wroth the FE price? Thats exactly what I said in my video and in my text review. The interviews are worth the $17 price.. so um your kind of agreeing with me (even though your saying you dont) 🙂
I think he is saying, he disagrees because your interview alone is worth $17. That the other interviews are just a bonus. I believe, it is a compliment.
Yea Im a little slow sometimes 🙂
I think that is what he is saying… I am not sure how intensive you read your messages but I think he agrees and does not disagree! with you – that not only all interviews are worth the 17$ YOURS is the special one that gets the vote…
“I watched your review before buying Academy and I have to disagree with you”
Guess it was a typo .. and I was being to literal 🙂
Hi, Brett, can you confirm your affiliate number please, so that I can be sure I’m buying through your link before I purchase?
41241 (thanks for asking)
Hi Brett, I have thrivecart which I would like to use it to promote Profit Canvas instead of JVZoo. Does the Profit Canvas reseller agency allow me to create user accounts manually within my agency login? Thanks in advance!
You can make accounts manually if you do not use JVZoo. I strongly suggest you use JVZoo though.
Thanks Brett, but…I can’t believe I missed your ProfitCanvas Agency offer again! Urrggh (Closely watching for bonus extension…)
Hi Brett, Although I was berated by you in the past for getting a rebate and answering your partner about why I did it, I still follow you and your reviews and belong to your group.
No hard feelings. You are a programmer and marketer and I am a Certified Instructor and beginning marketer.
We all sometimes look at things very basically without knowing what is behind the scene.
I follow your reviews for the plain simple no frills explanation you give. Anything beyond that is up to me to determine.
Your JVZoo review was both “right on” in the first review and the revision.
You always tell it as you see it and that is why I stick around.
I tell it how I see it in all cases, even to my customers, and even if ‘how I see it’ is not nice. Some people cant handle that kind of blunt honesty, Im glad to see that you can, because one thing I always do is try to help people as much as possible 🙂