Archive for 2019

MailVio Review

Today I am doing a review of a new email platform called MailVio   So what exactly is MailVio? Well you can probably guess by the name, its an email software. Specifically its an autoresponder.  Its a ready to go system w...

How Bretts agency access works.

How Bretts “agency access” system works: One thing people often ask me is “if you had to start all over again, from scratch, with nothing, what would you do?”. Now they are asking what I would do, but wh...


Thumbnail Blaster [review]

Today I am taking a look at a new software called Thumbnail Blaster   Thumbnail Blaster is a new tool that is going to help people get more views on their YouTube videos, which can result in more traffic, more clicks, more...

My experience with the W+ affiliate network

Today I wanted to share some of my experience with the W+ affiliate network. Most people know that I am a pretty successful affiliate in the IM / MMO space. I have done a few million dollars in sales. I have won awards. My stor...

How my videos where killing my marketing.

In this article I want to explain how my videos where stealing my traffic, costing me money, and killing my marketing. Well that’s a bit misleading actually. It really was not my videos, it was more the video hosting I wa...


VidMatrix [review]

Today I am doing a review of a new software called VidMatrix First take a moment to watch my ‘first impression’ video below, where I recorded myself looking at VidMatrix for the very first time.   VidMatrix is ...


WP Affiliate Machine [review]

Today I am doing a review of a new WordPress plugin called WP Affiliate Machine Even if you have not been following me for any length of time it should be very obvious that I am a big fan of product review sites. Why? Because y...


StoryMate [review]

Today Im taking a look at a new software called “StoryMate” Before I jump into StoryMate it might make sense to take a moment or two and explain exactly what Facebook and Instigram stories are. Basically they are Fa...


UltraSuite [review]

Today I am taking a look at a new WordPress theme called ‘UltraSuite’   Judging by the fact that you are reading this review on my WordPress blog I think it goes without saying that I am a big fan of WordPress....


Live Vid Ranker [review]

Today I am taking a look at a new software called ‘Live Vid Ranker’   Its almost like the universe wanted me to review this product. This morning I got 3 emails from people (well actually 2 emails and a Faceboo...