WP Click Store PRO
Easy to useNEG:
Posts it makes have no real contentToday Im taking a look at WP Click Store Pro. Now anyone who has read my blog knows Im a big fan and advocate of niche websites. I have promoted and recommend several niche site and Amazon niche site products. So when I came across WP Click Pro I was quite interested in it. In […]
Today Im taking a look at WP Click Store Pro.
Now anyone who has read my blog knows Im a big fan and advocate of niche websites. I have promoted and recommend several niche site and Amazon niche site products. So when I came across WP Click Pro I was quite interested in it. In fact this review is different than some others in that I did not get a review copy of this product, I actually bought it myself.
As a product creator, internet marketer, and product reviewer its very rare that I actually buy something myself. Honestly vendors normally give me a copy for free. Because of this its not very often that I get experience what its like to be a buyer. This experience was .. well amusing. Im well aware that vendors need to have OTO’s with their products. Honestly because of the high commissions affiliates expect its really the only way the vendor can make money. While my own products have OTOs, this one just had a string of them. Also the way they where presented did not make any sense to me. After my initial $9.95 purchase I was asked if I wanted a $27 upgrade, I declined and then I was asked if I wanted a $47 upgrade, I declined and then was asked if I wanted a $67 upgrade I declined .. it went on and on like this for several steps ending at one that was something like $295 or so (honestly I dont remember exactly). What I found interesting is the way it progressed. If I said no to a $27 upgrade what makes this vendor think I might want the $47 one or the $67 one? I think he needs to learn the concept of the ‘down sell’ a bit better.
Ok so after I finally went through all of that I was emailed a link to the download area, a username / password as well as a product key (in a separate email). After logging into the users area, I did a bit of searching around (there was a lot of upsell / promotional stuff in there) and finally came to where I can download my theme.
Installing the theme and adding my product key was easy, but I was a little disappointed to see that there was no help or tutorials inside of the theme itself. No way to contact support. Not even a link or anything. I never could understand why WordPress vendors find it so difficult to put tutorials or help, or even support emails inside of their products. Its almost like they want to make it difficult for you to contact them. In order to watch the tutorial videos I had to dig up that email, and go back to the members / download site. Such a pain.
Fortunately the theme was easy to use. Its quite customizable and while I would not call the pages it makes ‘ugly’ they where not beautiful in any way. In fact I think the best words to describe the look of this theme would be plain, or even acceptable. This of course is an aesthetic aspect and it is open for debate. I’m just saying how I felt about the themes look and feel.
Over all at this point I was fairly happy with the purchase. It was low cost and it seemed to be of an acceptable level of quality. However it was when I started looking into adding products from Click Bank that the thing that really turns me off to this product came up. You see this requires you to put in your Click Bank user name and password. It will then let you search for products that you can automatically create posts about.
The problem came when I tried to automatically make a post. While it worked I was quite sad to see what kind of post it actually makes.
You can see the problem in the graphic above. This scrapes content from the Click Bank description of the product, which is very short. Anyone who knows anything about Google should know that content is king. This little bit of content is not going to sit well with Google and its not going to get you good search engine rankings. So what you end up having to do is edit each automatically made post and write a full article. Well honestly if you are going to write an article manually then whats the sense in having this in the first place? Why cant you just get a nice WordPress theme, find products on ClickBank and write articles (basically like I do with this blog) why do you even need a theme? The whole draw of this, at least for me, was that I could quickly create sites and have them easily populated with content. But just the product description is not going to be enough and having to write a full article myself kind of defeats the whole point.
Since I never heard of this vendor I decided to go a bit further and look into his past products. I found that he did a similar theme like this a while back but for Amazon called My Azon Store. Here is what the stats look like for it:
I kind of wish I had looked at it before I made my purchase of WP Click Store Pro because as you can see from the stats above this vendors last product had a very high refund rate. Just about 1 in every 10 people who bought this ended up refunding it. Thats about double (or more) the refund rate of most products.
So what do I think if this product over all? While its not a bad concept and its not terrible I really dont see it as a time saver. In order to have posts that have any real content (required if you actually want to rank in Google) your going to have to manually write articles for every product you want to promote. If you are going to do that then whats the point of getting a specialized theme? While Im not going to refund this, I can say that I wont be using it. Since I wont be using it I have not choice but to say:
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Thank you for your input, I looked at it, but for some reason, just did not fancy it, mind you, there are a lot of vendors out there who promise the earth, once you try to contact them, zilch, I’m currently making a list of them, I had a problem understanding your product, e mailed you and in a very short space of time my problem was solved
Damn! I bought this product and went straight for pro about 20 minutes before you posted this review!
I totally agree with you on the content, I did expect more than just that tiny description. This could possibly be a refund for me.
Thank you Brett Rutecky,
very useful and helpful review. valid points, Makes sense to me.
Appreciate you sharing your honest review.
Now I’ll view your other reviews.
Nick Naggar
Thanks Brett
Wow! Thanks for the awesome review, I was ready to buy…
Thanks for this thorough review. I recently got a couple of emails regarding this product, but it seems you are the only one who put their money where their mouth was. Most affiliates just promote blindly and do not even review the product first. Then, when their subscribers who trusted their judgement refund the product and unsubscribe, they wonder why. Much respect to you, Brett.
Muy buena su revisión. Me gustó su análisis. Totalmente de acuerdo con él. No lo iba a comprar porque siempre dudo de la parte de diseño de las tiendas “plugin” pero, me parece muy honesto explicar todas las fallas que le encontró desde la compra hasta la aplicación del
software. Soy cliente suyo en VideoClick y me gusta su manera de tratar a los clientes y prospectos, siempre contestando y habilitando el soporte de ayuda.
Muchas gracias
Gustavo Sierra
I luv u man,lol. So nice to see a “review” that is actually that, and not some BS with an
affiliate link. I also like the in depth reasons why this thing sucks. Would love to see more of these reviews from you.
I think if you did reviews/reco’s on stuff that was truly good, and soon enough that we could grab the “early bird” pricing…You would rule the world,lol. Thanks again.
Thank you Brett – your honest is exemplary and your generosity to always ‘look out’ for us is inspiring – thank you pal!
The tidings for the product maker and the buyer(s) are devastating and I grieve for them both. I knew there would be upsell(s). Honestly, many products are sub standard so I was skeptical about WP Click Store Pro too. It is as if products are put on the market without the finishing touch. This time I didn’t buy. What saved me from buying it is the fact I am broke. Anyway, a vendor with integrity will refund the buyer
Clickbank don’t want you to build this kind of store. They could so easily put an extended description field into their system. They never have, and deliberately so. In addition the wording in the existing field will often be aimed at affiliates, not end users.
Whenever i see this vendor i think oh no not another non responsive site, this is like a beginners site. I agree that he hasn’t quite understood the concept of upselling. I thought i wasn’t going to reach the members area, when i did i couldn’t find the download.
He seems to be stuck in non responsive mode so i emailed and asked if he could employ programmers that could do responsive ( He ignored that ! )
I agree that you have to write content yourself and no mention on automatic updating, so if you have 100 products you have to do it manually.
I got this myself, but i have better themes i could use this on, so i might just pick it apart and rewrite it.
Hi Brett,
I am a newbie and was very interested in this product…Since you don’t like aspects of this product why not create your own and iron out the bugs, this I feel would be a positive outcome to negative comments and I would be the first to buy your product
Im only one person and I can only type so much code in a day, while I wish I could create a good version of every bad product out there its just not possible.
One other issue I have about this theme is that it is not mobile friendly. I don’t know why people still create products that ignore over half the market.
Appreciate the honestly, it is unusual to see a review that tells you not to buy. Most of the reviewers are a joke, because of course EVERYTHING they review is great!
After you see enough of them you realize they are just trying to make a buck, no problem with that, but I have been at this game a couple of years and I have never seen an “Affiliate” do a bad review. It is amazing that every product they promote is a GREAT product!
Just my opinion
I noticed when I looked at the sales page for this product that there was no link to a demo site, now I see why. Glad I didn’t buy it.
Hey Brett,
Glad to find someone like myself who has enough calibre to highlight when things are crap. All to often people are quick to promote without considering whether the product is a steamer, or actually suited to the person. (And those who do I am quick to unsub from!).
Keep fighting the good fight 🙂
Thank you Brett for your most refreshing and honest comments about the new “WP Click-Store” program.
Its really nice to know that someone out there has the guts to tell it like it is and cares about his readers.I received many emails today from affiliates trying to entice me to purchase this program and the fact was I nearly I fell for it ! Now thanks to Brett I still have my money intact and my sanity along with it !!
I have tried many WP so called money making programs in the past and failed miserably, so I certainly do not want to spent more time getting no where fast in another WP program.
While I have the chance, I would like to praise Brett for steering me onto one of his new programs called “Video Auto clicks”. At least this one is free of any WP influences and opens up a real chance for anyone to make money online and the support is excellent.
My advice let Brett by your guide and you will make money, maybe hit the jackpot who knows !
I sware many of the JV’s out there only promote products based on how deep the funnel is.
Brett and one or two other exceptions actually are honest in their reviews. I mean it when I say one or two others – no more. Perhaps Brett’s ways are catchy.
Personally from hereon in I’m going to reward someone like Brett with the buy, rather than other JV’s that offer you 16 million junky whitelabel bonuses that do no more than sit unused in folders on your hardrive – digital dust I call them.
I was relieved today when one of these other JV’s wrote to me recommending another new release product and openly said the front end product is good – showed us how to use it and use another tool in conjunction with it. He then went onto say that the upsell is too pricey and the plugin with the upsell training, can be garnered for free by an online search tool. Top stuff. He then went on to say that the downsell is reasonable – but not a steal.
Full power to honest reviews!
Keep up the great work Brett! BTW – any chance in reviewing ‘Smart Blog Network’?
Lolllzzzz, I like this term “DIGITAL DUST”. Lots of them on my computer. I think I need to clean it someday. Anyway, it’s a pity on how some people try to promote every tom dick and harry that is released in the market place by giving out digital dusts just because they have people on their list.
Yes, unfortunately I might be one of the only ‘reviewers’ that actually does reviews. Most people are just ‘pitch men’ and nothing more.
Thank you Brett for your candid review.
You have been honest and tough-kind to me before
an I really appreciate your break down of the product
I bought the main basic product.
I will go through it coz i have it but I will be wary as do.
I am actually putting my energy in your Video Auto Click.
And thanks for your help on that.
I highly recommend it especially for none techy folks
Brett,you are a gem.
To give such a brutal review needs high value system with oneself.
I am happy that I am in your list of subscribers.
Thanks for the review, Brett. Saved me investing in the product and prompted me to refer back to my CBEngine and a selective approach to CB Products promoted and appropriate theme selection.
I love your blog. I get a shit ton of product ideas by just hanging out here lol. Good concept but pretty bad execution.
Hello Brett,
I usually find your reviews very enlightening, and accurate.
This review seems a little melodramatic. I watched the sales video before I saw your review, and then went ahead and bought it anyways. 9.95 is worth a try. Have not installed it yet, though.
Why did I buy it anyways? Because what you described in your testing is exactly what the sales video showed. And you agreed that it works.
I am not sure what you expected to pull off Clickbank for the descriptions. It is what Clickbank supplies. If you want unique content, you should write your own. If you want a cookie cutter site, use what is supplied by the vendor. Plus it is a WP theme, you can add more content, other than ads.
I don’t know the vendor myself, just bought a product from him in the past.
One thing I have to agree with you on are the OTOs. I hate OTOs. I know they bring in a bit more of the buyer’s money, but this guy is overdoing it. I was totally frustrated after I made the initial purchase. OTO after OTO, and then another one. Plus they seemed a bit disconnected as well.
Overall it looks like the product delivers what was promised in the sales video.
Just my 2cents. Peace!
I agree, you’re absolutely free and I myself recommend adding more of your unique content like reviews, videos, articles, etc… to the blog and in that case you’ll create a blog that is of value.
If I want an automated CB blog machine I’d go for fully automated “scrapers” WP plugins like CB Goliath – you can google it. In that case you’ll populate your blog with the information from the vendor sales pages.
Just my opinion. 🙂
Thanks Brett,
I was just about to open an email promoting this theme, then I’ve decided to open your email first…lucky I did..normally I keep emails from people I know till last..I think I need to change my email opening strategy and open good emails first, then go over the other ones.
Have a great day.
Hey Brett I’m a long time lurker and this is my first time commenting to one of your review posts but after reading this one I had to chime in on this one.
Personally I think you got this all wrong on what to expect from this product. It does exactly as it shows in the video and “scrapes” what is available from the CB marketplace entry for the product.
Secondly, the theme functions as described in it’s use on a blog and really does look quite nice if you take the time to configure it.
Lastly, bring up another product from Brett Ingram’s product list and pointing out the refund rate to that product is irrelevant to this product and IMO hitting below the belt.
How would you like it if a product reviewer would do that to you?
Anyway, usually I enjoy reading reviews and watching your video reviews but I’m afraid you misrepresented this product unfavorably for the wrong reasons.
I respect your opinion and Im glad you took the time to post:
1) Aesthetics are a matter of opinion, you may think it looks great, I think it looks .. well acceptable.
2) However, if its suppose to post 1-2 lines of content thats fine, great it works, but its still no good to buy since as I said, whats the point if you have to write your own article anyway. No matter if its a bug or by design it does not change the fact that its no good for Google.
3) I dont think pointing out that his last product had a high refund rate is ‘hitting below the belt’ at all. If Ford motor company made cars that consistently broke down I feel is just natural to wonder if their latest car will break down. Same thing here, if a vendor has a product with a high refund rate, he is showing customers are not happy with what he makes, a vendors past performance (in my opinion) is a very important consideration when deciding if you should purchase from them again. As for ‘how I would feel if a reviewer did that to me’? Well I dont have to worry about that because I dont have high refund rates, my customers overall are very happy with the software I write and the support I give them.
Again though we disagree on some things I thank you very much for taking the time to post. A different point of view, when presented in a intelligent and non combative way (like you just did), is always welcome.
I’m one of your new customers for VideoAutoClick and in the process of testing the process. I was about to purchase the WP Click Store. Naturally when I saw your email I automatically expected that your review would contain an affiliate link and you were just trying to get a piece of the pie.
I went directly to the WP CLICK STORE website and found it very interesting to the point I considered buying the product. However, since being a newbie for the past 10 years without hitting a home run I decided that the need to understand wordpress eliminated me from his customer list.
Your VAC product seems to me to be the best for anyone starting out…however one observation with your sales offer for the $9.95 didn’t mention a OTO and the training video shows how to add agents…then the shocker came when I attempted to do just that…a $29.95 add-on for that feature to be opened. Oh well…maybe in the future but right now…I continue to move forward with the instructions you have so professionally presented for even the lowest priced product.
Best regards,
Uncle Chucke
PS: Still considering buying the SqueezeMatic product…thanks for the offer.
Well Chucke, you cant expect me to allow people to sell my software as their own, and basically cut me out of my own product for free. Ill tell you what, you could not get VAC created for yourself for 10X that cost though, so it really was a fantastic deal. In fact I have gotten emails from several people who are already making money with the Agency access by selling VAC. Unfortunately though the agency offer has ended and it is not for sale anymore.
By the way, as you have noticed, I do real reviews. Good or bad I report on what I find. I dont just pitch everything.
Hey Brett,
Thanks for the review.
You are my “go to” guy for reviews.
You highlight important aspects of products which other marketers fail to.
Not just that but you provide a great education on Internet Marketing in the process.
Keep up the good work.
I just found you blog. Finally somebody who is giving honest and thorough reviews. 99.9% of reviews on the net are sales copies used by affiliates and written by the sellers.
The initial price $9.95 for one installation is fair for a WP theme even if looks a little old fashioned. It would have been far better if CB Click Store was a WP plugin instead of a combined theme and plugin.
I have basically come to the same conclusion as you. I always do research of a product even if it sounds like a good deal because the work that comes afterwards because setting up the website always takes some time and has to be worth it.
When researching I always add OTO or OTO1 after the domain name. Google likes to help and It worked this time so I am aware of the many OTOs and high cost of the full product. I always like to get developers license to have more possibilities and with WP Click Store it ends up being a very high cost. I might still buy the single license though.
I will reading some of your other reviews but first I will bookmark your blog.
Thanks for a great review blog!
Thanks for the review, I was considering buying this, and thought the sales page looked good. Though I liked the concept of having an affiliate store, I moight just skip this one. On another note, I am on the seller’s email list, and not to bash anyone here, but I’m getting a bit burnt out on the 5 word emails, with a link… really not impressing me… Time to UNSUBSCRIBE!!! – Thanks for the review.
Thanks for a great review. QUESTION: If i make any sense. I noticed on your wordpress that you had it uploaded already. I don’t have access to a cpanel anymore. My wordpress right now is just free. Would it it be worth it to have basic plan on wordpress? Also I don’t have anything to unzip a file. I did but now free trials are over. Thanks. Lydia
You should have your own domain and hosting, avoid those free WP services.
Thanks for replying.