Video Jeet [REVIEW]
Today Im reviewing Video Jeet by Todd Gross Video Jeet is a desktop software that integrates with your WordPress site or your Blogger blog. The basic concept of Video Jeet is that it can automatically search YouTube based on keywords or specific channels. It will then take this video and auto post if for you, […]
Today Im reviewing Video Jeet by Todd Gross
Video Jeet is a desktop software that integrates with your WordPress site or your Blogger blog. The basic concept of Video Jeet is that it can automatically search YouTube based on keywords or specific channels. It will then take this video and auto post if for you, along with any text content you specify. In this way you can get a fresh stream of automatic content to your site.
The first thing I always check about a software is how easy it is to use. Sometimes programmers and developers assume that other people will think the way they do. When this happens the interface can be non intuitive and difficult to understand. However I’m pleased to report that the Video Jeet software is simple to use and has a nice clean interface. I especially like the mouse over help icons that give inline assistance on every option.
The software itself has a ton of customizability . It lets you search for videos relevant to your niche in a variety of ways and it gives you a lot of posting flexibility.
What I particularly like about this software is that its a solid concept. Videos are rapidly becoming the content medium of choice. YouTube gets 4 billion hits per day! Over 6 billion hours of YouTube videos are watched every single month! One thing is for sure. People love watching YouTube videos. With this software you can give people the content they love automatically.
Which leads me to the second thing I like about this software. The automatic part. For me it seems that there is never enough time in the day. I keep trying to squeeze 26 hours in but it never works. Anything that I can set and forget then let do the work for me is a big win in my book. In fact the only thing I dont like about this software is that its desktop software that runs on your own computer. But that’s really just my personal preference and as a web developer I admit I’m biased on that point, I fully understand that many people actually prefer desktop software.
Click the link below to learn more about Video Jeet:
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
On Cyril Sales Page for Video Jeet this question was asked by a reader and there was no response from Cyril, or he has not seen it yet or had time to reply
“Timothy Wenk1… Quick question… I thought if you want to do a video curation site, each posted video must ALSO have a unique comment by the blog owner, about the video. If you don’t do at least a comment, then you are basically setting up another yooutube — which is against YT TOS I think. —— no?”
What is your take, will Video Jeet violate YouTube TOS ?
No I dont see that being a problem. Your not setting up another YT at all. Another YT would be creating a video upload function, serving your own videos, serving your own ads. YT wants you to embed videos that’s where most of their traffic comes from. Its in their best interest for you to embed videos all over.
And you monetize how? The embedded video layout is pre-determined. Do we have the ability on blogger or WP to place affiliate adds beside the videos beforehand that won’t interfere with their placement?
You monetize any way you normally would. With affiliate links or ads. The layout is not predetermined by this software.
A couple of ways. The software itself allows you to add html code to your post. WordPress and Blogger have plug ins and themes that will automatically place AdSense or pre-defined banner ads in the header, sidebar, or before/after posts.
I love what you guys are up too. This sort of clever work and reporting!
Keep up the good works guys I’ve added you guys to my personal blogroll.