InteliPlayer [review]
Has some cool, unique featuresNEG:
I little priceyToday at reader request I’m doing a review of the new InteliPlayer software. Given that I’m doing my own software launch this week I had not planned on doing any reviews. However I got a few people asking me about InteliPlayer so I decided to take a break from the launch craziness and check […]
Today at reader request I’m doing a review of the new InteliPlayer software.
Given that I’m doing my own software launch this week I had not planned on doing any reviews. However I got a few people asking me about InteliPlayer so I decided to take a break from the launch craziness and check it out.
For this review Im going to do something unique and try a having the review be 100% in the video (feel free to comment and let me know how you like the video only format)
After you have watched the review video please feel free to click the link below and
The bonus period for this product has ended and the limited time bonus offer has been removed. If you wish to claim a bonus you bust have purchased by midnight EST on 5/2/2015.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
As I already have agency licenses for both of those and at least one other is that any other one you can offer instead
Hmm Im not sure .. sounds like you have all of my products .. I might have to make some new ones for some new bonuses 🙂
Really I would be wanting something that has an agency license or something I can resell. I think I pretty well have everything else already so a shame you can’t do it with your latest MOP product
Thanks, Brett. This review was very helpful.
I like the video format — it certainly helped with this product. The only drawback (and this may just be my problem) is that Chrome has been hit or miss playing videos of late, so I had to open IE to view it.
Thats a good point, having the text is a good backup. Thank you for the feedback.
My problem too – I have those ones 🙂
What about your new plugin ? 🙂
I need to make some new bonus products! I can give my new plugin as a bonus 🙂
I received an email to a sales page on this done by Bill Guthrie. In his explanation he seems to be clearly saying you can put clickable links (to affiliate offers or whatever) into the videos and load them with the links into YouTube. I didn’t know that was possible and thought it was against YT’s TOS. He’s clearly talking about having you videos on YouTube. Your thoughts please.
I do not believe that is possible.
“In his explanation he seems to be clearly saying you can put clickable links (to affiliate offers or whatever) into the videos and load them with the links into YouTube.”
That’s what I heard too and that’s why I was excited about it. Maybe I need to re-read the whole lot.
Denis, That is most definitely what he is saying more than once.
Jim P
This what is stated on his sales site.
“Add Clickable Call to Action to Any Youtube, Vimeo or Amazon S3 Video…
Get New Email Subscribers From Adding Videos to Your Websites…
Embed Code Works on All Page Builders, WordPress, HTML, etc.”
What do you think????
Honestly I have not watched the sales video .. since I am testing the product. But if that is verbatim then what he is saying is correct .. you are adding these things to these videos .. and they work .. on your website, not on YouTubes / Vimeos website though. (not on Amazon of course since thats just a file hosting service). I think people are adding in the ‘on YouTube’ in their minds .. even though he is not actually saying that. You have to remember these videos an also play on your site not just on their sites.
Good call, Brett. That’s what I got out of that paragraph too.
Ahhh – yes Brett – you’re probably correct.
I certainly assumed it would work for Youtube.
I believe IP works by replaying the YouTube video thru the IP filter which then inserts the IP features, i.e. the clickable link. The YT video is not altered in any way. Basically it’s playing in the background while IP is inserting it’s features in the foreground. My take on it.
Thats a bit simplified, but yes.
I miss being able to read the words of a review. It’s faster and suits the way I think. Did I watch the video? No.
Noted! Thank you for the feedback.
Me too Zana.
However – I have now watched the video and, for this product, found it enlightening as I could see what the product could do or not do.
Thanks Brett
It’s still pretty expensive but with your new mobile plugin as a bonus it would be reasonable.
I like your video reviews but can’t always watch them because I read them while in my office (my staff think I’m working…lol) or while I’m on my mobile phone on the bus/train. My telco data package is not generous enough to allow for regular video watching…yet and wi-fi is not everywhere.
BTW, I for one would be more than grateful that should your time be short, you should only produce a video – as you too are a busy professional. Surely we would prefer something than nothing. Why not do a quick video and text summary and when you can, go back and add extended text?
So upshot is Brett, from my perspective, please keep both…unless time precludes it. One thing I learnt being an information professional is that when it comes to accessibility, one must always market to the lowest common denominator – and that is text. Everybody uses text and has the infrastructure for it. Video complements that, but will not replace it for sometime in my view. Text is universal, as much as video rocks. Video bandwidth is not always available so you would limit your reach greatly.
Best of luck with your launch and of course keep up the good work in all your endeavours.
Best regards
Thanks for the feedback, it is very well received 🙂
Hello Brett,
I really like the video review format. I watch all the videos you make and I’m subscribed to your YouTube channel. You have a great voice for video. Clear and soothing with great pacing. I encourage you to do more video reviews, it helps me understand the product a whole lot better than reading about it.
When I read a review I don’t gain as much insight as when you are actually using the product and demonstrating it. I also see features in the video that you might not even mention, so if you pay attention you get a lot more from video than you ever can by reading. But you do have to pay attention and actually be interested in learning.
I don’t know if you used a script or not but it sounded like you did. So if you just recorded it off the cuff then you have a real talent for this.
Unfortunately, I had already purchased this when Bill Guthrie released it last week to his customers. But I will use your link on the next product I want to purchase.
I have other video players but this had unique enough features that the others didn’t that I think it will really help. Keep up the helpful and well done videos.
How about agency for SpinBiz? LOL
That does not exist!
I cannot believe that the statement I made asking you if you had seen this other product {link removed} right after your reply to Jonathan Hamon and was in a pending mode had been removed totally.
Can you tell me what was wrong with that statement?
This is a fairly popular blog Morgan as such I get a lot of people that try to slip in spam links. When you post a link and a very general comment “have you seen this” on a product review it looks like it may be spam. Also links are not allowed in comments.
Thanks for your response. No links next time
Hi Brett,
1. I definitely like your new way reviewing with the video better.
2.I agree with you on the price, to me it’s way to high.
Hey Brett….I always try to find time to check out your reviews.
Thats the key, finding time. It’s usually late for me or I’m dealing with one of my killer migraines so I miss some or just skim.
I enjoy reading your reviews because they are so thorough, but because they are so complete I can drift off.
I really enjoyed this review, I picked up on your thoughts….it was a pretty quick video and best of all you mention how it can be used…or how the different features might be used. This IM business gets lonely and it is always nice to hear someone elses opinion on how to use a feature or item without having to pay 300 dollars a month for coaching or something 🙂
so….I would vote for the video review
but….I would throw in some bullet points for best good and bad features knowing that we might be able to review the video to see more detail.
I’ll grab it through your link as long as I can pick up a copy of your latest product as mentioned above …think you guys are talking about Brett’s mobilgeddon solution?
Correct me if I’m wrong please
Thanks again
Yes that is what they are talking about .. and thank you for the feedback.
Brett….have you done a review of wp backup solutions?
Looking for a good solution that’s kept up to date by the author and really don’t want to spend 150 bucks.
I know this isn’t the ideal place to ask this so please delete if necessary and tell me where to repost the question ….. sparat At Gmail
Thanks Scott
Honestly I dont know what that even is.
Thank you Brett for another great review. The new format is good for me as I don’t tend to read much, but I can understand that some other may need this feature when they are unable to watch the videos (ie while at work or..)
Like other readers pointed out before, an additional and more prominent call to action would be helpful for your site’s new visitors (I mean your “Click Here To Learn More”…It’s very discrete..may be it’s intentional…)
The product:
Great features: I love the JVZoo “buy button”
The tap to call/email/Skype is also great
Finally the redirect option is valuable for affiliate marketers
thank you Mr Brett..
I have been thinking about that as well, I have had a lot of people ask me ‘where the affiliate link is’ .. but I dont want to be to aggressive. Ill probably get Josh to make me some nice shiny new buttons anyway.
Hey Brett,
Do you know if / how it is possible to use a direct buy button in the video to someone elses JVZoo product?
Lon Naylor
I think there is a way to do that but Im not 100% sure, you might want to ask on the JVZoo Facebook group or email them.
Brett, love your new review, and I will be using your link!!!! I missed the SqueezeMatic so this will be great!!!!
Your video review is a good way to go. It’s especially good when you have your final conclusions written in text below the review video.
Thats what I was thinking .. review video and then a shorter text summery .. as opposed to the very long article. Ill be honest, Im not a very good writer and sometimes it shows in my grammar.
Good review Brett, thanks. I prefer at least a text summary as well as video, just by way of feedback.
Re your Mobile Optimise Pro – if I buy InteliPlayer through you I’d prefer that as a bonus, if still ‘on the cards’?
I actually had a Q re Mobile Optimise Pro and was looking for a page on your site where I could ask it but couldn’t see one so hope you don’t mind my asking here – will that product work with non-Wordpress sites or is it WP only?
Rob G
Thanks for the feedback. I can give FE as a bonus but not OTO’s. WordPress plugins only work on WordPress unfortunately.
Re Mobile Optimise Pro on WP sites only – fair enough – do you happen to know of a solution that will also work on, or be specifically for, HTML sites?
And whilst you can’t give resell rights to it as a bonus (again, fair enough), is the FE version licensed for use on client sites?
Rob G
For HTML sites you will need a one off solution specific to your site. Its possible to do this with WP because all WP sites/ themes etc follow the same standard. With a custom HTML site this is not the case. Also: Yes can install on clients, just cant resell 🙂
Thanks for your clear answers Brett.
But honesty, how on earth could I work with a Vendor who answers questions in less than 24 minutes; what’s wrong with 24 hours-if-you-are-lucky that most vendors provide? (:))
Im not sure I understand that second part Rob. What are you saying?
Hi Brett,
Sorry – I meant was impressed with your reply in less than 24 minutes when a lot of vendors don’t reply in 24 hours.
(Says I who didn’t reply till nearly 48 hours after your last reply!)
Hey Mr Brett you said above that you can give your new plugin as a bonus, you mean with resell rights?
No I cant give resell rights to a software Im in the middle of launching as a bonus for a different product. Sorry. FE only.
Wondering whether IntelliPlayer can do what VideoAutoClicks does, i.e. posting videos on FB and yet be able to redirect at the end?
No InteliPlayer is not for Facebook, its for websites.
Nice review. I noticed the auto redirect worked after the video, but note, it has not worked since. Possibly a one time only per IP setting? Either way, I suggest you add some blank space to the end of your video with a jvzoo button so we can see how that works as well. Also, for anyone who doesn’t get the auto redirect to work, they will still have the opportunity to buy through that button.
I really want to buy this, just for your bonus, but I’m going to have to pass. Having just bought reseller for MOP, I need to go make money instead of spending it.
I think they are doing an update Mike. I cant add a JVZoo button at the end of this video for this product because its not my product so I cant get their button code and honestly if I asked them for it, it would not cookie to my affiliate link that way. The JVZoo button is more for people selling their own product. For example you could make a review video of MOP to sell it using your JVZoo button for your product (since you have reseller license).
Hello Brett,
Like others, I purchased this before seeing your review.
I may have missed anyone mentioning this, but the Intelliplayer is currently not responsive. I contacted their support and an auto resize option is in the works.
Your reviews are always a big help. Thank you for taking the time to record the video.
Strange because it adjusted when I tested in my blog, but that might be my blogs CSS doing it.
Good review, but I already had bought the product before seeing your review of IP.
As a little extra info for your visitors, there is a couple of OTOs for this product. The first is the backgrounds and skins – backgrounds are just that, different backgrounds (scenes or artwork) and skins (for instance, if you want your video to appear in a frame that looks like an iPad or other devices). You can get just the skins for $47, or skins and backgrounds for $67 (there is about 70 total right now according to BG). Pretty steep, honestly, though I may still spring for them if I see some real value there. I did purchase the second OTO, which is a video curation add-on. I haven’t played around with things yet, but I believe it is a plugin for WP that curates videos – nothing fancy, I guess, but it looked pretty good. I purchased the Ultimate (unlimited) version, which was $49.95 (also the Ultimate version of IP, same price). I think the price was going up again today, not sure if it did yet, though.
Hopefully that helps.
Awesome review Brett as usual.
Its fantastic that you go through the review by running through using the software from the start. Its like having a 2 in one. And not just having a theoretical review only or going through software step by step (that will be like training which can be a bit mechanical and boring). But I like it that you go through the process plus review as well. I like this method of review. By going through your 15 minute review, we get to know very clearly the features about the product.
However, like some commentators have commented, would be great if you can have a summary in written format as well. Not all of us have the luxury of watching the review as and when the review comes out. Like for me, I had to wait until not to watch the video.
I like your emphasize that the tool allows redirect. I agree that this is a very powerful and useful feature. And this feature suprisingly was not emphasized even in the sales letter, which mostly emphasize on the call to action.
Am seriously considering of getting this.
A few questions:
1) Was looking at your score on concept and execution. Can have your thoughts on why only 3? If the tool delivers what it claims, I would have thought this will be a 4 or a 4.5.
2) For all the features listed, are there similiar tools in the market doing what it does
The features of
(a) Redirect
(b) Tap to call, email etc and
(c) Buy
seems fantastic.
Are there other tools that offer all these features? You mention these are unique. So this is the first product offering these features?
3) Can we insert in our own background image without the need to purchase the OTOs?
4) Is it possible to insert in our logo to be embedded throughout the playing of the video ?
5) For your bonuses am considering between your latest plugin or Squeezematic. Is it too late? You mention 48 hours. But not sure as to the timing or cut off (due to time zone difference)
Thanks for the feedback Ron, thats why I ask because I want to know what the readers prefer. Honestly the only reason I was considering a more video oriented review is because Im well aware that my grammar is quite poor (and Im a little self conscious about it). I dont mind writing text reviews though.
1) 3= average, not bad not good. Concept got a 3 because it was not a unique or revolutionary idea, it had some new features but it was not some really cool totally unique thing. Execution was a 3 because I thought the interface could be a little cleaner. It was not bad .. just could have been a little better in my opinion.
2) I have not seen others that have these in video players .. of course I cant know about every product, but in my experience they are unique
3-4) If you mean the features I showed in the video . yes I had a FE version
5) Im removing the bonus offer at midnight tonight .. thats actually a little longer than 48 hours .. but I want to be fair to my friends one the other side of the pond 🙂
Brett- Thanks for all you do-your one awesome developer:-)
Like others I bought this before your review came out. I only bought it because it comes with a wordpress plugin that purportedly syncs with the software and allows you to apply a particular template with all videos previously added to your blog with just a few clicks. But while it did add a intellipress shortcode generator to the wp editor I have not been able to get it to work so I submitted a support request on Thursday and I am waiting for an answer.
By the way I loved your Mobile Optimize plugin. Was so easy to install and use.
Honestly I was not given a WP plugin to test with.
I’m not in the business of bashing product creators. I looks pretty good but because I had a negative ed xpwrience with a facebook fanpage app Bill put out around a year ago I won’t be purchasing. I bought it for a pretty steep price and it never worked well. And Guthrie also doesn’t take kindly to criticism.
Oh thats a shame .. I dont know Bill well but he seems like a decent guy. If you had a bad exp that’s an important consideration. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Is that bounce still available ??
Im pulling the bonus tonight at midnight, so yes for 2 hours and 17 minutes its still available.
Sorry no