Doodly [review]
Easy to use, comes with premade graphics and sound tracksNEG:
No help built into the softwareToday I’m doing a review of the new Doodly desktop software. Doodly is a very good name for this product. It’s a desktop software that makes ‘doodle’ style videos. You know those white board (or black board) videos with a hand drawing the images and the text. Some people call them ‘doodle’ videos so I […]
Today I’m doing a review of the new Doodly desktop software.
Doodly is a very good name for this product. It’s a desktop software that makes ‘doodle’ style videos. You know those white board (or black board) videos with a hand drawing the images and the text. Some people call them ‘doodle’ videos so I guess that is where they got the name from.
Now one thing about being honest in my reviews is that I point out the good and the bad in the things I review and being totally honest it took me about 1 minute to find a bad thing about it. The software, as far as I could see, had no help built into it. While I know there is help in the members area that you access after you purchase and before you download there is no help, or even a link to help inside of the actual software that I could find. This is something I could never understand and frankly I cant think of one reason why help should not be built right into the software.
Fortunately though Doodly is very easy to use and I did not need any tutorials.
Once you load up Doodly you are shown a dashboard with a list of all your existing videos and a button that will allow you to create a new one.
In order to create a video you use the very simple drag and drop interface.
This interface is quite intuitive. One the left is all the premade objects you can add to your video. The FE version of Doodly comes with 25 background scenes, 200 props (images), 200 characters (people in different poses), and 3 different fonts. In the center is the work area where you build your scene. To the right is the options for each object as you add them, and finally at the bottom is your video timeline where you add scenes or audio tracks (also included).
Videos are made up of scenes. Each scene can have as many images or as much text as you like. Your video can also have multiple scenes as well.
Though Doodly is not the first doodle video creation software I have seen or tested it is for sure one of the most easy to use and most comprehensive. However that was not quite enough for me. I wanted to make sure that there was going to be a actual use for these kinds of videos. I wanted to make sure that there would be a way for people to make money with them.
Now the most obvouse way to make money with Doodly videos is for your sales pages and squeeze pages. But I wanted to think outside of the box and see if there was a different way. What I decided to do is see if I can use a Doodly video to generate traffic. Let me explain:
For a while now I have been doing ads on Facebook to get low cost traffic to my products for sale and to my squeeze pages. I have noticed that video ads covert much better than traditional graphic ads. Now normally when I make a video ad I make a screenshot with a cool presentation and an intro and all that good stuff. Normally it takes me a few hours to create and edit the ad. I don’t mind doing it though because I get good traffic at a low cost with these video ads. However I know that a lot of people dont have the time, ability, or inclination to go though all that work to make a video ad. So I started wondering. What about Doodly? Can people use this software to make a doodle video for a Facebook ad? And if they can, would this kind of video convert? So I decided to make a Doodly video and see for myself. I spent about 5-7 minutes creating the video below with Doodly:
I then made a Facebook ad with it and gave the ad a $15 budget over a 3 day period. The results I got where quite good:
Though the ad initially started a little slow (almost all ads do though) in the end I got 66 clicks to my website for my $15. That’s an average of 23 cents per click and a 3.1% conversion rate. In fact at the time I ran this test, I had 2 other video ads running as well as a normal graphic ad. The Doodly video blew away the graphic ad, and it even out performed one of the video ads, even though I spent a lot of time on that video.
Based on these results I think its safe to say that besides explainer videos, sales videos, squeeze page videos, Doodly style videos are also going to be very good to use with Facebook video ads. When your getting clicks to your site for 23 cents each its not hard to make money. Also making the videos with Doodly is very fast and easy so you don’t have to spend a lot of time creating and editing your video ad if you make it with this software.
Because Doodly is easy to use., because it comes with a lot of premade graphics and sound files, and finally because I know first hand from my own tests at least one very good use for these kinds of videos I’m going to suggest that Doodly is something that is worth considering investing in.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Great review buddy.
Good Review Looks like a Good Software But I Have decided to Not Buy it because of The $67 Price Tag a Little High for an Earlybird Price if it was for Commercial Rights(right to sell videos) would have been Happy to pay $67 but Really for Personal Rights only its a Little High and price $97 for right to sell Too Much for Me maybe others will Have Money to Blow
Well I think my bonus is worth a lot more than that in itself 🙂
What is your bonus Brett? I haven’t been able to see it here. Thanks
Im sorry my bonus expired.
I wanted to actually look at this product and what a better place to come other than Brett’s Review site. Thanks for all the info and the tips. Great video Ad by the way….
I’m in Brett for your bonus practically alone. Awesome
BTW Brett, will Affiliate Trax work with MailIt i.e. capture name lists that are compatible?
Thanks again
Yes Affiliate Trax integrates with MailIt
I already have the Easy Sketch doodle software. Any reason to get this. Appears very similar except that this has blackboard videos also (but I don’t really have a need for blackboard)
Easy Sketch Pro should do Blackboard effect by changing the background to black and the text to white, as with Explaindio 2.0.
However, this software allows you to import most graphics and have it actually draw it, rather than wipe it in (as seen in Brett’s demo video). This is something the others can’t do yet.
The bonus on offer here is the best I’ve seen so, should I decide to purchase, then this would be the link I’d use.
The OTO brings you tons more graphics etc. and you can add your own audio which you’d need to do as those ‘plinky plonky’ noises that come with this type of program are simpy annoying in my opinion.
Great review and more thorough than anyone else’s, thanks, Brett.
I like the wipe effect .. lol .. thank you for the kind words about my bonus. I really appreciate it 🙂
Great review Brett,i always look to see if you have a review on different products. I did not see any link for the Mail It AR?
MailIt does not launch until the 19th of this month. http://www.mailitplugin.com
Great Review!…Agency access to Profit Canvas would be awesome! (-:
yeah buddy!
Great review. Really sucks that you have to pay $149 for oto to have the rights to sell your videos.
Yea I think that is excessive as well .. also Im not really sure how they can license that right if you dont use any of their graphics .. if you do use them then I can see them requiring a license, but if you dont I think you should be ok even without the OTO (but Im not a legal expert)
Agreed. I was thinking of how you could use it in a unique way for local businesses, restaurants.
Facebook ads 🙂
It’s $97.00 for the rights to sell your video creations after using this tool. The $149.00 is for the first oto that gives you 1,100 extra objects to use in your videos.
Thank you for the clarification!
Love your review, great bonus, crazy you can’t use the core product for a commercial website or commercial purposes…what else can it be used for? They need to better define what ‘personal use’ means….
I think they mean you cant sell the videos. Which does not effect my use 🙂
Just FE is enough? the demo that you show in the review VDO is the FE one or OTO?
I had the OTO version, but the functionality is the same, I just had more graphics (FE comes with a LOT though). If your referring to my bonus, FE is all you need to pick up.
Hi Brett, is there a way to create a optin page using the agency access squeeze page given to us so that we can capture our leads should they not go ahead purchase it?
No, you should be collecting peoples emails / getting to opt in first then using the list you build to sell your own products or your agency access products.
Brett, I can’t seem to find what your bonus is.
If you bought from me link its in JVZoo.
Hi Brett,
what is your bonus for the purchase of Doodly? This is not showed in this review page and I would know it before the purchase. Thank you in advance for your usual quick reply.
My bonus offer has expired unfortunately.
Hi Brett,
Can I upload my own “voice” with FE ($67) or do I need an upgrade to OTO($97)?
You can upload your own audio files with the FE. There is no reason why it cant be a file of you speaking.
Great review as always, but I don’t see the bonus. Pls help
If you bought from me the bonus 100% for sure is in JVZoo 🙂
I think it is foolish for someone to stop offering their bonus early. I’ve got more than 100 emails offering Doodly and many offer bonuses. Since I get paid on Friday i will simply buy it through another affiliate that continues their bonus offer. There would be no reason not to get something extra from someone who is more generous and continues their offer until the end of the launch.
Well your welcome to your opinion. However please allow me to retort.. I generate just about a million dollars a year online (Well last year I just missed it at $940,000, this year though I should pass it easy since I’m almost there already) .. so I kind of know what I’m doing, I’m sorry if you don’t know what I’m doing, or why I do things the way I do. Thanks for the message though.
Hi Brett, is your bonus still available for this product on JVZOO or it’s expired already?
It has expired.
Does nobody read the reply! The bonus is finished. LOL
Thank you, I am blown away that you are so successful on-line. I have been trying for a while. Do you offer a course to help others do something similar?
Yep, here you go:
where can I purchase this product and how much?