ConjureGram [review]
Complete system with software and trainingNEG:
No tutorials in software at the time of testingToday I’m doing a review of a new cloud based software called ConjureGram. Before I dive into the full review I think everyone should take a moment to watch the very good demo the vendor made. This is what I was presented with prior to testing. Then you can continue on to my full text […]
Today I’m doing a review of a new cloud based software called ConjureGram.
Before I dive into the full review I think everyone should take a moment to watch the very good demo the vendor made. This is what I was presented with prior to testing. Then you can continue on to my full text review and see the results of my tests of the features explained in the video.
Ok so unless you live in a cave you probably heard of Instagram. Its a photo / video sharing social network that has 500 million active users and was purchased by Facebook for a staggering 1 billion dollars.
Now one thing about Instagram though is it is designed to be a mobile platform. The general idea was pretty simple from the start. Your out in public see something nice, a sunset, a shooting star, a street show, whatever, you snap a quick picture and share it with the world. Really its a good idea when you think about it. It was good enough in fact that people started using it for all kinds of photo sharing. But one thing never changed, it never went beyond being a mobile platform.
This is fine for users. Since most users will want to share things they come across in their lives. However it’s not so great for the marketer who is more concerned with sharing promotional graphics, logos, brand images etc. You don’t often come across things like that just walking down the street. These kinds of things need to be actually set up or prepared in advance. As I said though Instagram is still just a mobile platform. Sure you can log into your account on a computer:
But you can not actually make posts from your account on a computer. That functionality just does not exist.
This is where ConjureGram comes into play. It allows you to make posts to your Instagram account from your computer and not just your mobile device. This means you can finally post cool memes, marketing images, branding graphic and lots more. But ConjureGram does not stop at just adding functionality to Instagram by allowing you to post from a computer instead of from a mobile, it also lets you do a whole lot more. It lets you schedule posts for automated set and forget functionality. It lets you set a post to automatically repeat at a set interval. It lets you auto follow people (who will then likely follow you back) and it even has a built in graphic editor and video editor.
I wont go over all the functionality here in this text. It is explained in the demo video above so that would be redundant. If you have not yet watched the video I suggest that you do now. What I will say is that I personally tested the features of ConjureGram and they worked well. Now to be honest the graphic editor is not exactly PhotoShop and video editor is not exactly Camtasia but they are functional and suit their intended purpose for use with Instagram. Also something I noticed is that the software itself had no tutorial videos in it. I asked the vendor if they where going to be added and he responded that they would, however at the time of this writing, just 11 hours until it launches the software tutorials where still not added (kind of cutting it close I guess).
So if I had to sum up ConjureGram I would say it is a very comprehensive tool for building a following and making posts on Instagram that not only expands on the standard Instagram functionality but also makes it ideal for marketers as well as largely ‘set and forget’. However there is still one main thing missing for people just getting started: training. I don’t mean training on how to use the software. I mean training on how to actually use Instagram for marketing and make money with it. Well at least that is something I thought was missing at first until I mentioned that to the vendor and he let me know that everyone who gets ConjureGram would also get free training on how to make money with Instagram.
They calle it ConjureGram Accademy. Its a free 5 module training course that the include to make sure you have everything you need to use Instagram to its maximum potential. Sure its delivered via a WordPress membership site (as a developer I always thought these WP memberships where kind of cheap) but either way it is still a very cool addition to the software that makes this a much more complete system.
So what do I think of this over all? Well first of all Instagram is huge and its getting even bigger. 500 million active users is no joke and that is a lot of potential customers or leads in just about any niche you can think of. However native Instagram has some serous limits and drawbacks for people wanting to use it for marketing. ConjureGram expands on the native functionality of this social network and not only makes using it for marketing viable but it largely automates it by allowing you to take a ‘set and forget’ approach. Then to top it all of it comes with a free training to make sure you have everything you need to start capitalizing on the Instagram social network. A complete system that actually works. Nice! Well done guys:
Bonus: The vendors of ConjureGram have provided me with an extensive bonus pack for anyone who decided to pick it up through my link. Please note that these bonuses come with white label / reseller rights. Honestly even if you are not interested in using Instagram for marketing ConjureGram is worth considering just to get all of these done for you products that you can sell or use for list building.
Click here to get ConjureGram and all of these white label / reseller bonuses!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Thanks Brett,
cool looking Instagram AOI.
Are here any upsells?
and how many accounts can this handle?
many thanks for the review
Im 100% sure there are upsells. No I do not test them. Since I actually test / use the things I review I simply dont have time to test upsells. Also being totally honest I firmly believe a purchase decision should be made on the value of the offer. Not on what you may or may not be offered later. As for how many accounts it can handle: There are 2 pricing options for 1 account, and for unlimited accounts.
Cheers Brett
Brett, nice review. If I could go on a 30sec rant.
I reckon the secret to genuinely benefiting with these social media tools, comes down to two key things.
1) Is the tool developer seriously dedicated to keeping their tool up-to-date with the social media apps inevitable changes to its own T&C’s/API? Sadly, in the past not all have. The tool basically works, for as long as the social media app lets it and the developer is prepared/able to respond to changes!
2) Have a social media marketing PLAN, don’t just believe “I’ve got a shinny new thing and my ship’s come in”….NO, not it hasn’t! – what’s your PLAN to truly benefit from this thing?
The tool can add value to your social media marketing…but you’ve also got to “add some value” to it too!
Rant over! 🙂
1) So your going to judge this developer based on other developers? I could say the same thing about customers. Are you a flake who will downloaded my bonuses then file a credit card charge back without even using your purchase? Sadly in the past people have done this. Obviously Im trying to make a point here however: See its not nice to be judged based on the actions of other people, and its not fair for you or anyone to do it to a vendor either. So really this 1st part of your rant makes no sense at all.
2) Your preaching to the converted here. I have said many many many many many (lol) times that good software is a tool and tools sitting on a shelf will do nothing.
Hi Brett, I hope you are well. How does this software differ to Luke’s Instamate?
They are very similar tools actually, if you have one you probably dont need the other.
Hi Brett,
Thanks for your great reviews. Do you know if this software is approved by Instagram? They usually will ban accounts using automated posting from a desktop. (Should be done on a mobile device.)
This is not a desktop software, it is web based and uses their API.
Great review. However this reminds me of Instamate that was released Fall 2016. Are you aware of any significant differences between the two? Thanks.
Its very similar to Instamate.
Yep, suspected so. Already having Instamate Luxury Edition, I will have to pass on what seems a well designed piece of software for Instagram marketing.
Thanks much Brett.
Your correct, you do not need both.
Thanks Brett 🙂
I’m interested in purchasing either Instaeasy or ConjureGram. I know you said they are similar in one of the other posts, but which would you personally purchase?
I approved both of them and only approve products I would personally consider worth purchasing so either one is fine. That being said, ConjureGram is in its launch period right now so its available at a lower price. Given that, all other things considered equal at the moment ConjureGram is probably the best value right now.
Hey Brett I think this is a winner, just purchased this and now they have trainng videos in the membership area, I think its a good sign that vendors listen!
Yea I was quite sure that they would keep to their word both vendors are good guys, however in order to be honest I always write my review on the product as it is at the time of testing (and at the time of testing they where not in)
Hi Brett I looked for direction on getting the bonuses but couldn’t find it? Could you direct me to where I could get them? Sorry if it’s obvious.
To insert a comment about Instamate it is similar but the difference is it also has the auto follow, auto unfollow and auto like function that Lukes other product Instaeasy has which really is what builds your Instagram account. The difference is Instaeasy has a monthly fee and this is a one time fee. On top of that the white label and resell rights on the bonuses will pay for the product if you take action and sell them.
When I reviewed Instaeasy it was not a monthly fee, I was not aware that they changed it. Thanks for letting us know. For the bonuses, they are in the ConjureGram members area (not the software, in the members dashboard where the training is).
Thanks for letting me know about the bonuses. Yes I have been paying $37 per month for months now so this will save me money. Another thing is it will allow you to do what Instamate and Instaeasy can do all within one app. I wont have to go back and forth. Another benefit is that Instamate will not allow you to schedule post without leaving your desktop on so if it’s 8am and your scheduling a post for 4pm you would need to leave your desktop, laptop or whatever device you use on the entire time for it to post. If you turn your device off you can’t schedule a post. Also if you want to edit a post in Instamate you would need the OTO#1 with the FE. Conjuregram includes it in the FE.
Don’t get me wrong Instamate and Instaeasy is still great app’s and Luke creates great products as well as provides a ton of value. ConjureGram eliminates the monthly fee and truly allows scheduled post.
Hey Shan 🙂 Great to see you here on Bretts page, he is truely one of the best reviewers out 🙂 Wanted to just clarify our costs here because it really comes down to your account safety here. The ONLY reason there is a monthly fee with InstaEasy is because we rent IP addresses for EVERY single instagram account monthly added into our service to ensure you get looked after and you never have an account shut down. I spoke with the partner Dan of conjuregram here and they are running every single account of 1 IP address (their cloud based one) which even though may save you money now, running thousands of instagram accounts that are doing dodgy things like autocommenting (one of the biggest ways to get banned that is not within the API – they are using a ‘token’ to do this) is a sure fire way in my eyes to get every account slapped along with the IP banned – this does cut costs for the user now but is going to be a HUGE warning sign in instagrams eyes . Instamate uses a chrome extension (While frustrating) to use your OWN IP address so there is zero risk ever 🙂 Instamate 2.0 also solves the problem of leaving your desktop open (Totally get that is frustrating) with a proxy service also but it will be a small monthly fee if you want this upgrade because we want to keep your account safe. I clarified this with Dan from conjuregram about their sales page and process and to ask how it was run because I am all for recommending good products and I have a large instagram audience also and down to support solid products however after hearing the response it was very upsetting to see it was the total opposite to what the sales page says. That being said i hope Insta doesn’t catch on here but that is just why our service is slightly more expensive for instaeasy.
Considering add search function on your site? Easy to read your review on past products…
Out of topic, but=)
Thanks for the suggestion.
yesterday i ask you how to claim bonuses, and you delete my comment.
i contact you last week by the blog form, and you dont answer too.
please contact me and give my bonuses
I deleted your comment because it had personal info that should not be made public. If you emailed my contact form I know 100% for sure you got a reply because there is an auto reply, this reply gives you my support desk email which is : support@oursupportdesk.zendesk.com
I guess you know by now that Conjuregram no longer works.
We need to know how flakey these guys are going in.
I dont know what you mean by ‘no longer works’ but I just logged into my demo account and it seems to be fine.