SiteContact [review]
Get more sales, more leads, and build a list you can send broadcast messages to.NEG:
I really cant think of a single one.Today I am taking a look at a new cloud based, Facebook integrated software called SiteContact Ok before I get to much into explaining what SiteContact is, I first want to point out two important things about it. A) In order to use SiteContact you need to have a Facebook fan page. Really though […]
Today I am taking a look at a new cloud based, Facebook integrated software called SiteContact
Ok before I get to much into explaining what SiteContact is, I first want to point out two important things about it. A) In order to use SiteContact you need to have a Facebook fan page. Really though this should not be a problem because even if you do not have one, you can make one in about 2 minutes for free. B) Even though SiteContact is a Facebook integrated software, you do not need to create a Facebook app to use it. SiteContact has its own Facebook app that has gone through the Facebook vesting process and was approved by them for the public (sweet).
In the video above I show how to set up the software, its fast and easy, and since I show it in the video I wont type about it again here. Instead I am going to dive right into the inner workings of the system. SiteContact has two distinct parts. I will go over each one:
First is the part where I believe it gets its name. This software allows you to put a Facebook messenger chat on your website. There are a couple of ways to do this, with a pop up, with a link to open in a new tab, or with a little widget. If you look at the lower right hand corner of this website you can actually see I have the chat widget on this very blog.
The chat is very cool because it allows you to interact with your site visitors in real time. What this means is if your selling a product, being an affiliate marketer, or trying to get them to optin to your email list they can contact you with any questions that they might have and you can interact with them pre-sale. Since this uses Facebook messenger you can do this from your computer, from a tablet, or even from your mobile device. Honestly you do not have to be a rocket scientist to see how the ability to interact with your site visitors and potential customers is going to increase sales and conversions. Because of that, this alone would be enough to make me think SiteContact is a good value. However there is a lot more:
The second part of this system is the broadcast message functionality. Every time someone initiates a chat with you they are automatically added to a list of people that you can send broadcast Facebook messages to:
These messages are just like emails only they use Facebook messenger. They can have text in them and links. Its almost like a second email list, that uses messenger instead of email. In fact that’s actually exactly what it is. Its also super powerful because people instantly ‘opt in’ just by sending you a message and also because every time you send them a message they will get a Facebook notification about it (unlike email that often gets lost in the clutter). The messages you send can be instant broadcasts or you can create them and schedule them for later.
This is the point where I really started getting excited about SiteContact. I have seen (and written) software that allows you to send people Facebook notifications, however normal notifications are limited in the size of the message and do not work on mobile devices. However since this uses Facebook messenger there is no practical limit to the message size, the messages can have links in it, and perhaps best of all they do work on mobile devices.
In my testing of SiteContact there was a single issue that I found. Not with the software itself, which worked very well, but with the GUI (graphic user interface). When your creating a broadcast message that you want to schedule for later, the date picker where you pick your date for the message to go out, is cut off.
I sent a screenshot of this interface bug as well as my browser info to the developer and I have no doubt he will correct it. I have known Cyril for several years and I know him to not only be a decent person but also a skilled developer. However in the interest of being honest in my review I needed to point it out because it existed at the time of my testing.
With the exception of this one issue that I have no doubt will be corrected I am super excited about SiteContact. The ability to interact with your site visitors from anywhere even your mobile device is itself something that is sure to increase sales, optins, and affiliate conversions no matter what niche your in. The ability to have people automatically join a list that you can then send broadcast messages to, messages that they are sure to get thanks to the Facebook notification that tells them they have an unread message is super powerful. This one honestly is a double win. Its something I will be using long term in my business and something that I strongly suggest you consider using in yours.
BONUS: Cyril has generously allowed me to give away the following special bonuses to anyone who picks up SiteContact through me, they will be waiting for you right in the members area:
Click here to get SiteContact as well as these special bonuses!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Hi Brett! Ordered through your link. I haven’t seen the bonuses you have indicated above in the member’s area. How do I access it please? Thank you. 🙂
If they are not showing for you, send them a support request and they will get you fixed up.
As always, Brett. Thank you for your honest reviews and your wonderful WordPress plugins.
My pleasure Daryl 🙂
Fantastic piece of software and much more powerful than email, Im not hanging around on this one and with these very generous bonuses. Cheers Brett, as usual you make it a no-brainer:-)
Hi Brett…great review I’m in!
Thanks Brett… having someone I trust doing reviews of potentially useful products is awesome. You lower my stress level by always giving us the straight story. You take the guesswork out of my purchase decisions! Bless you!
Thanks for the kind words Doug, and Im am very glad you find my reviews helpful 🙂
Hey Brett, How do we get a copy of your Facebook Pixel plugin to put the code on every page of our sites, easily?
I show how to get it in the video. As for putting it on every page of your site, well there is no one answer for that because different sites are different 🙂
Hi Brett
Just got this using your reflink
(pro version)
Like Lani said, where is the bonus link?
I’m into Jvzoo right now and don’t see anything?
Let me know
As I say in the review, the bonuses are in the vendors members area.
Good morning Brett. As I have the MailIt product,, how can we MailIt users get these new subscribers brought over to your My MailIt?
This is a great idea and the concept has potential, but what concerns me the “another autoresponder”. I prefer using your MyMailIt and would want to move these potential customers into MyMailIt for follow up and potential future sales. Have you figured out a way to do this?
Thank You again for a great honest review. Keeps me coming back from all other bazillion emails when a new product is being released.
Export from the plugin, import to the SaaS 🙂
Hi Brett do you know if the app is still working since FB’s announcement regarding Messenger and Bots?
It seems to still be working fine for me. This is not a messenger bot by the way 🙂
Hi Brett,
Thank you for this great review. I bought SiteConnect before watching your review and after watching your review, I’m glad I bought it. 😉