FlickDramatizer [review]
Turn any boring image into an attention grabbing animated videoNEG:
No help in softwareToday I’m doing a review of a new desktop software called FlickDramatizer. FlickDramatizer is a software that is going to be a lot easier to show you than to explain, so check out my review video below: FlickDramatizer is a desktop software that comes with both a Windows and Mac version, a great […]
Today I’m doing a review of a new desktop software called FlickDramatizer.
FlickDramatizer is a software that is going to be a lot easier to show you than to explain, so check out my review video below:
FlickDramatizer is a desktop software that comes with both a Windows and Mac version, a great way to learn what it does and how it works, as well as what it is good for is to watch my full review video above. For everyone who is not a fan of watching videos I will include a summery here as well though.
When I first got review access to FlickDramatizer it did not work at all. Every time I tried to test in it totally crashed on my computer. Fortunately over working with the vendor over the course of a week we where able to figure out that the bug was one that is specific to my windows setup and the vendor was able to update the software to kill it. So once that was completed I was able to begin my full testing.
While FlickDramatizer has many different possible uses I’m going to focus this review on what I feel is probably its most important aspect, which is its ability to take a single image and turn it into an animated video.
So you might wonder why that’s important? Well anyone who has followed me for a while knows I’m a big fan of social marketing, specifically using Facebook for marketing. I personally run a very active and popular Facebook group, I also know a multiple people who do well with fan pages, and I am also a regular user of Facebook ads.
The problem with using Facebook for marketing though stems from the exact reason why you would want to use it in the first place. Everyone is on Facebook. What this means is that the average Facebook user is shown many, sometimes hundreds, of different things a day. Posts from friends, from fan pages, from groups, advertisements, promotional material, videos, graphics, text, it all shows in their timeline. The truth is that when you use Facebook for marketing you have only a few seconds to grab peoples attention.
The old way to do this was with a cool post graphic, and this still works ‘fairly’ well (certainly better than just a text post). But a better way, a way that I have found consistently gets better results is to use videos. This makes sense when you think about it. Videos auto play in Facebook and they move. Movement grabs peoples attention. It stands out. It gets you noticed. I have actual real world data that shows me posts with videos consistently get better results than posts with images.
The down side to this of course is that you have to make a video. Many people don’t have the ability to do this. They don’t have the skill set, the software, or the time. This is the problem that FlickDramatizer solves. It allows you to take any image and make it a very eye catching animated video out of it. Its super fast to use and extremely flexible. (to see how its done step by step watch the video at the beginning of this review)
Because I know Facebook is a great resource for marketers (I personally use groups and fan pages in my own business) , because I know that posts (and ads) with videos consistently get better results than posts with just images, and because FlickDramatizer not only works as described but its also super easy to use, I’m going to say that this is something you should defiantly consider investing in. I can say for sure that I will be using this in my business moving forward, and that is the best endorsement I can give.
BONUS: There are a few bonuses that everyone is going to get regardless of who they buy FlickDramatizer though. However I asked Andrew if he would provide me with something extra special to give to my readers and he agreed to let me give away ‘white label / reseller’ rights to one of his premium software products.
I think this is going to be a great addition to FlickDramatizer, but whats even better about this bonus is that you will not only get it to use in your own business you will also get reseller licenses so you can sell it as your own product!.
Click here to get FlickDramatizer and this special White Label bonus! I have added access instructions to claim your bonus right inside of JVZoo.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
Brett..ya got your pos and negative switched around! (Delete this after you fix, LOL!)
Im a backwards kind of guy .. lol .. I didnt delete it so I could thank you 🙂
I’m seeing the need to make Fb link post be able to work with this. Is that a possibility? 🙂
No, you just post a video and put your link in the description. FB Link Post is totally different.
Great review Brett, looks good to me too..Thanks
Hi Brett,
Is it true, as that was inferred by another review I watched, that the effects applied to videos can only be applied to the entire video clip?
In other words, no option to apply effect/filter to a video portion that begins and ends at a specified entry and exit time.
If that is true then it is a major drawback, I feel !
Your thoughts please, thanks.
As I say in my review video I did not test this with editing videos much. This is because I feel its greatest strength is the ability to take a graphic and turn it into an animated video.
Yes, the way this works is you bring in a clip and add the effect. The software is built specifically for the effect. So after you create the effect, you will be bringing that clip[ into your video editor. Once there, you can mix the clip with the original, so that the effect fades into the original clip
Thanks Ray!
Hi Brett
Not sure if this has been asked or even appropriate to ask but when using videos, should they be your own or should you seek permission ?
Your questions is basically “Should I ask someones permission before I use their work for my own use” .. so what does common sense say to that?
Alan, I’ve been making “mash up” and “top 10” videos for a little while, and I can maybe clarify this a bit for you.
There are lots of images and video clips that you can use without permission. First, you can buy the commercial rights to images and video clips for your videos on royalty free sites such as Shutterstock, iStockPhoto, Fotosearch, etc.
This can get pricey, however. If you are looking for free photos and video clips, try a site called Pixabay. At last count, they claim to have more than 880,000 free images and other media that you can use. From the Pixabay website:
“All images and videos on Pixabay are released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. You may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required.”
Another site to get images to use is Flickr. HOWEVER, Flickr users can set a usage license for the photos and videos that they upload. You must check that license and make sure that it allows for usage. There are 11 different types of usage licenses that Flickr allows people to put their images under. Make sure that the images you decide to use are in line with the license the image owner chose.
As far as media and news reports, I have had no issues using clips from different media agencies without asking permission. First, though, check to see if the video is listed as Creative Commons (CC). A CC license allows for free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work. Authors will sometimes use a CC license to give people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that they have created.
Also, in the video description box you MUST list the source of the video clip as well as link back to the video where it’s located. This might not be required under a CC license, but it’s good etiquette to give credit to the person who originally created the work.
When it comes to individual videos that others have uploaded, the rule I follow is that if there is no CC license, you MUST contact the owner and ask permission to use a part of their work. If they say no, then move on.
I see a lot of big name YouTubers using videos to make “top 10” or “mash up” or “fail” videos, and they don’t credit their source. This may be because they have obtained permission, or it may just be because they are totally in the wrong and simply hoping that nobody files a DMCA notice against them.
Bottom line, if you are not sure, ASK PERMISSION. That’s the whole “common sense” aspect that Brett was talking about.
Other works that you can freely and openly use are called “public domain” works. There are literally millions and millions of images, videos, books, and other media that have fallen into the public domain. I’m not sure of all of the specifics, but for books I know that they fall under public domain works 70 years after the death of the original author. In other words, let’s say an author died in 1947. Most likely, any works he wrote prior to his death would now be in the public domain, as it’s now 70 years after his death. Don’t quote me on that, though. I could be wrong. You can easily look up public domain and find plenty of info and also find out where you can find public domain works.
I hope that helped you out a bit.