FB Easy Suite [REVIEW]
Useful suite of apps, great priceNEG:
Ill let you know when I think of oneToday Im taking a look at FB Easy Suite by John Leonard Im always very critical of the products I review. Especially software since Im a software developer myself. However out of all the types of software Im especially critical of Facebook software. I think this comes from the fact that I have developed so […]
Today Im taking a look at FB Easy Suite by John Leonard
Im always very critical of the products I review. Especially software since Im a software developer myself. However out of all the types of software Im especially critical of Facebook software. I think this comes from the fact that I have developed so many Facebook products.
Now I was not going to review FB Easy Suite. However I got well over 2 dozen emails from my readers asking me about it. So I sent John a Skype for review access and went to checking it out.
So what exactly is FB Easy Suite? Honestly I expected it to be a page builder. We all know that I dont believe that fan pages have much value anymore so I really did not expect I would like this product. However I was pleased to find that its not a page builder at all. Its in fact a very useful suite of Facebook marketing apps.
Two of the apps I really liked where the group poster and the image redirect. I liked the group poster because it lets you schedule posts to your Facebook groups just like you can to your timeline and I liked the image redirect because it lets you post a large click able image to your timeline. These clickable images images tend to get many more clicks than just posting a generic text link. Both of these apps solve major functionality deficiency with the normal Facebook interface. Whats cool is that these are just two of the apps that come with the suite.
The interface is clean, easy to use and intuitive. While I doubt most people will have trouble using this software there is built in video training and a support link of you need it.
Setting aside the fact that this is an entire suite of apps, the fact that these apps are quite useful for your marketing efforts, and the fact that these apps are super easy to use, there is still one other thing I really liked about this product. Its price. Normally a software like this would either be a very high one time price or a monthly fee. This one is neither. As a software developer and experienced Facebook developer I know how much work goes into a system like this and for the amount of work required, its being sold at a very reasonable one time price (no monthly fee).
Im going to call FB Easy Suite a winner, its a valuable tool to have for anyone interested in Facebook marketing. I strongly suggest anyone interested in taking advantage of the huge opportunities that Facebook marketing can bring click the link below to watch the full walk through demo. It will be well worth your time!
UPDATE: The special launch promo for this product has ended and is no longer available.
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
I clicked on your Approved Click Here To Learn More Button and it took me to a generic search page on JVZoo. How do I check out FB Easy Suite?
Sorry looks like the special pricing offer on this one has ended. I will update the article.