EZ Magic Video [review]
Clever solution to a very real problemNEG:
None reallyToday Im taking a look at a new software called EZ Magic Video To start with check out the video below, I made it with EZ Magic Video! ‘ As you can probably guess by the video EZ Magic Video is about creating ‘spokes person’ videos. The kind with a person speaking against a […]
Today Im taking a look at a new software called EZ Magic Video
To start with check out the video below, I made it with EZ Magic Video!
As you can probably guess by the video EZ Magic Video is about creating ‘spokes person’ videos. The kind with a person speaking against a background. It was created to solve a problem. These kinds of videos are proven to work well, however often people, for one reason or another, do not want to make them themselves. When this is the case they are left with one of two options:
1st) They can hire a spokes person to make a custom video for them. This works well, but its also expensive. A quick visit to Fiverr shows that a good rated spokes person is going to cost from about $50 to $200 or more for a single video (does anything actually cost five bucks anymore on Fiverr):
They also take as long as 10 days (and sometimes even longer) to get delivered. If you need multiple videos this can get really expensive really fast. If you need your videos done quickly, well your pretty much out of luck (though sometimes you can pay an additional fee to get it done faster).
2nd) People can try to find, buy, borrow or steal (dont do that though) and existing video that has already been made. Leaving aside the stealing option (really dont do that) this means that you have to pay per video again. Assuming of course that you can even find a video that says what you want it to say (which in itself can be a annoying undertaking).
Nether of these options are very good, and EZ Magic Video looks to give people the ability to create spokes person videos without having to actually create them personally by actually combining both of those options above into a hybrid that is actually much better and more viable than either of them are a lone. Let me explain:
If you watched the demo video I made above you might have noticed that it is actually a bunch of short phrases spliced together. Well thats how EZ Magic Video works. It has thousands of pre-recorded short phrases that you can select and add to your video.
To start with you select your template. Now they call it a ‘template’ but its really not, really what your selecting here is the spokes person you want to use for your video:
You can then select the phrases you want to add to your video. There are over 20 categories of phrases with several distinct phrases in each category.You can add as many phrases as you want to your video and in this way formulate your own script by splicing together individual pre made clips.
After your done with your script you can then add in your own background image (or select one from the many that are provided) as well as your own ambient background music (there are also several of these provided as well). This however is where I found the one issue I had with EZ Magic Video.
While both the graphic background and ambient music worked well and where added to my video without issue I did notice that when I used one of their provided music tracks the music was way to loud. It was almost as loud as the spokes person in fact and this made the video hard to follow.
An easy solution to this is just to not use background music in your video, but that kind of sucks so I contacted the vendors and pointed out the problem to them:
They responded that they would look into it, but I never really heard much more about how they where going to solve the issue, or if they where going to at all even. Except tonight when I logged into my test account to do my final review before writing this post I noticed something that they added. The changed the system and solved this problem by adding a volume adjuster to the background audio. So now you can pick how loud or quite you want it to be for your video. Super cool!
So you have probably guessed by now, I really like EZ Magic Video. Its an easy to use software that is an innovative solution to a real problem for anyone who wants to do video marketing. While making your own one off spokes person video is of course going to be the best option, for anyone who does not want to, or can not, make their own video, EZ Magic Video is a super cost effective and clever alternative that you should really consider investing in!
A quick note about the reviews I do on this site. The product vendors give me access to their products for free in order for me to do my review. However I make no promises to them regarding the results of my tests or what I will write in my review. Should you click a link that takes you to a sales page for a paid product for sale this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to invest in it.
This seems to be a perfect product especially for non native English speakers.
A very important question. Can one edit the text of the pre made phrases and clips?
I mean to remove the ones in the phrases and add my own texts?
Well no the clips are pre made and pre recorded so you have to pick from the available clips. There are lots and lots of them though.
Hi Brett, questions # I presume it’s only available in English, secondly is there a way to see the actual phrases the reason I’m asking is that I want to contact the asphalt companies since I’ve had experience in this industry, and it would be good if this EZ Magic video software could accommodate this industry, and I know it cover most business but another example is my daughter who sells and gives courses in ceramic’s to children + thanks for your excellent offer Brett
Yes its only English. As for seeing the phrases, do you mean in advance of purchase? I do not see how that would be practical, there are thousands of them.
Thank you for providing a demo. Skipping between line bytes is a no for me. I can’t imagine selling that to a customer.
Well if you dont think its ideal for you thats cool, I hope my review helped you though.
Visit the sales page demo, and realize that one typically would alternate text only on screen and then the spokesperson. Hence going back and forth hides skips. Little realization of line bytes.
Hi Brett,
I bought through your aff link.
The IVP bonus, requires an access code to create an account? Where do I get this?
That has been corrected, sorry for the error.
Thanks for the swift response Brett.
Hi Brett, I’m getting an error when trying to extract the bonus folder.
Is it just me?
Send me a support ticket with your purchase info: support@oursupportdesk.zendesk.com
I see what the problem is after watching webinar. You are suppose to change slides or perspective between clips and the jumping isn’t noticed. It takes care of what is called a ” jump cut”.
Yea, I didnt think of that when I made my test honestly, I should have because its a common thing to do when creating a one off video if you screw up the script in the middle of it. Simple start speaking from where you messed up and then when editing change perspective so it looks like it was intentional (FYI: Todd actually taught me that a few years ago).
I went to purchase but someone else grabbed my link. I don’t even know who they are or how they grabbed it as I only clicked on yours. Is their someway to change it. I didn’t want to purchase any of the upgrades and give even more to them.
You cant change it after a purchase has been made.
No I was thinking along the lines of refunding and repurchasing thru your link which is what I did. Because I repurchased, I was able to get the upgrades thru your link as well.Hopefully they will refund my first purchase now, else I’ll be out 25. Although, I’d rather be out 25 than have them steal additional commissions. I didn’t even know who this person was but somehow I got cookied by them. I’ll have to pay more attention to named affiliate before I buy.
I have no doubt they will issue you a refund 🙂
Just another shiny object to place on the bookshelves of pitiful sadness. Todd would sell his mom if he could.
Your right it IS a shiny object that will sit on a shelf and do nothing …. if you are not an action taker who is motivated to actually build a real business. That is a choice YOU will have to make. PS) Todd is a spokes person not a vendor, he does not personally sell anything, he makes sales videos for other people.
I purchased through another link (same as above, I used your link but went through elsewhere), therefore am I able to buy any of the upsells with your link instead to qualify for your bonuses?
You can request a refund and repurchase though my link.
is there a way to exchange the hijax with other bonuses ? as I already bought superjacker agency
thank you
Send in a support ticket.
Hi Brett,
Thank you for the offer, I have purchased it from your link, however, the bonus link is an Empty Zip File. Is there any other way to access it.
Send me a support ticket please.
Hi Brett,
Is there any OTO’s if so what are they.
Im sure there are. I do not test OTO’s as they have no bearing at all. Either you feel this software is a value to you, or you do not.
why do you sell this for half this price on another website??
I dont sell it at all because this is not my product 🙂
I love video products, this looks quite a bit like what the crew of BlasterSuite have available on their Pixo Blaster platform. Transitions between frames/sequences look choppy.. simple fix with either PC/Mac video editing software, smoothing out the edges, cut in b-roll content with audio in background, so to speak.. 😉
Overall process does look easier than having a video editor and spokesperson videos do convert better. Great review Brett!
Im glad you enjoyed the review, and hope it helped you out 🙂